Game When Setup:
Details of Game Pieces:
Simple Design Iterations:
- Green, pink and yellow ping pong balls
- Simple flame design on the hoops, along with a backboard
Process photos:
- Hot glue to hold down hoops
- Paper taped down with numbers on spinner
Overview of changes made:
- Most of the changes have to do with alterations in the rules, whether it is the addition of better explanations or more examples. I’d say that there are still rule changes to be made, but steady changes have been made to accommodate issues. A specific example of a rule change was a third play example, as well as a more-thorough explanation of how to end the game. There are specifications on the bounces a player can make as well.
- At first, I had plain white ping pong balls that I used for the basketballs. One day I was out shopping for basic necessities, when I noticed they had neon-colored versions. With a touch of color, the game has a better sense of style, with an established color theme. Alternatively, players are easily distinguished based on what color they choose.
Overview of changes to make:
- One of the main changes to the game includes the spinner. Through the playtesting, players admitted that the game was a little too linear. So how could I make things more interesting? The spinner will have point modifiers based on luck. Along with how many attempts a player has at scoring, they will have a second number determining the point modification. This will encourage players to focus in order to receive the point bonus, making the playing experience more tense. Furthermore, if a player were to get in a massive point lead, other players will have a good potential to make it back.
- Along with the spinner, a direct change to the board would be the implementation of another, harder hoop to score in. The hoop would be taller, skinnier, and the margin for the ball would make it a high risk/high reward scenario.
- I’d say an additional small change to make would have to do with touching up the design. As of now, the design is a little plain. Of course, the game is not in its final stages, but this is something that I still need to lookout for.
- The final iteration of the game would have to do with the rules, since it is very scuffed at the moment. Many things aren’t explained too well, and I think there is potential for a better playing experience. The rules are constantly being updated for the sake of the players. Criticism has helped implement necessary changes.
Thoughts and lessons learned during the playtest:
- One important thing to consider during my game making is the balance of luck and skill, as well as difficulty in playing. For example, I need to make sure that the game isn’t too hard, allowing players to enjoy scoring points. At the same time, I need to implement factors that make the game tricky, making it considered to be skillful.
- Sometimes, luck and skill are tricky to intertwine, so I had to make luck compliment skill. With what you earn as luck, use it to your advantage. What’s tricky about this notion is that if it were more luck-heavy, players would feel less satisfied knowing they put minimum effort into the playing experience while winning. Players might also find it unfair to be beaten by a lucky player who has been doing bare minimum. With the correlation of skill, players now have ways to earn bonuses based on what they are good at doing.