Don’t judge a book by its cover – Sarah’s Game
What was the most frustrating moment? I loved this game but it was sometimes frustrating getting things wrong over and over.
What was your favorite moment? Making connections with people I know.
Was there anything you wanted to do? See below
If you had magic wand to wave what would you do? See below
What should be improved in next version? I think the game worked well but there could be progressive amounts of background (facts) we learn about people. They still could be completely irrelevant to the quotes; it’s like you’re getting to know somebody but you still may not know what they are going through. Or it could make you connect to and empathize with them more. Just thoughts.
What’s the game’s message? You never truly know what somebody is going through
The game in 3 words: unique & good art
To death do us part – Tori’s Game
What was the most frustrating moment? Nothing!
What was your favorite moment? The attention to detail was so good I loved seeing the themed elements
Was there anything you wanted to do? Have part 2! I want to solve the crime!!
If you had magic wand to wave what would you do? Part 2
What should be improved in next version? I liked your thoughts on box design. Maybe for future iterations have simple instructions (it could be just a phrase). Maybe one of those yellow confidential file folders?? Love this though.
What’s the game’s message? You are the detective. The game in 3 words: wedding murder mystery