CUP (Cultural Unity Participants) Bonds — Diversity composes an international vibrant symphony
There are unique characteristics of each culture from various racial populations, and they deserve to be sympathy each other; they have different voices about the custom, but they can be connected to sculpt a perspective of cross-cultural phenomena that enhance the equality of the achievable opportunities to paint the exuberant society.
Categories: Love, Racial Prejudice
Brief Info:
CUP Bonds is a cultural awareness game in which players each be a representative for their cultural heritage and specialty by sorting out the cards into their predicted game board destination and choosing one of the players to become a co-establisher of collaborative cultural channel for demonstrating a good multi-cultural buddy.
LORE (Land Organicity Representing Environment) Preserver — Metro Infrastructures or Suburbanization for Convenience or Habitability
Rich Mega regions do produce conflicts to the farmland; the rural community does not necessarily mean a label of poverty because they believe in the power of reserving space for balancing the biodiversity which matters for preventing pollution.
Categories: Climate Change, Urban Crawl
Brief Info:
LORE Preserver is an opposite role-player game that contains protagonists (Environment Farming Advocator) and antagonists (either individually or collaboratively to occupy the land area to convince people to believe whose plan is sustainable for the resident’s satisfaction.
AS (Accessibility Sensor) ID (Identifications) — Pressing the correct button to assist impaired buddies
Aiding walking-difficulty populations (once each player is discovered through the monitor) to the desired floor and at a fast pace with time limitation since they need to arrange and produce channel sequences.
Categories: When people press the close door button on elevators, Physical Disability Access (help stairs to the TV studio)
Brief Info:
AS ID is either a collaborative or competitive game for each player to discover employees who need access path and gets them on time to arrive desired position title as much as possible by using Len amplifier to the randomly assigned decks that show the key employee’s details of job fields.
BOSE (Beats on Safe Escaper) Navigation — Correcting lifesaving CC (Closed Captions) through musical rhythm sync
There are musical animals that are performance memory learners because they only perceive the contents of musical lyrics, and it must be matched with a vocal tone so they can successfully follow the instructions to be gradually distant from hazardous disasters; they are smart and patient cats will aid us to reverse climate change.
Categories: Captions (wrong/incorrect captions or captions that don’t line up. What’s the point?), Animal Rescue – save more cats
Brief Info:
BOSE Navigation is an obstacle rhythm game in which the player is the interpreter of the lyrical contents that ties the vocal melody by touching correct objects that match the lyrics player (not the cats) in barrier restrictions see so that will be presentable to the cats to speed up them to avoid any dangers.
RISE (Remembering Ill Substances Early) Rhythm — Bright melodic light shines the harmony of combating drug accessibility (inspiration from Pittsburgh Recovery Walk)
Musical therapy is a stimulus for detoxifying patient’s misuse substance brain; discarding unnecessary substances could seem devastating as their preferred shortcut to relive their miserable pre-existing health deficiency or the perspective aspects of aiding enthusiastic sedation that erases their sense of hazardous cruelties; however, there are some interactivities of entertaining support that could be more effective to eliminate recurred drug tolerance and dependency.
Categories: Addiction, The opioid crisis
Brief Info:
RISE Rhythm is a narrative-based musical game in which the player pretends a rhythm therapeutical coach that blows the sick substances which the patient could easily grab with three difficulty levels the player will face (easy to hard order) — approachability, observability, predictability when the song streams with three modes of addictions degree (from effortless to extreme) – Withdrawn Sufferer, Occasional Substances Craver, Substance Reliever; it fills heavy storytelling elements that guide the therapist (the player) to gain a clue about the progress of restoring their well-being and collect the rewarding achievements for impactful event passes.