Week 1 Ideas

  1. Backwards go-fish. Everyone else knows your hand. On their turn they either have to tell someone a hint, ask for a hint of their own cards, or if they know they have a match they can put it down. If they tell someone else a hint, their turn is over – do not go fish, do not put down matches. If they ask for a hint saying “do I have any 2’s?” if yes – that is it. If no, go fish. If they try to put a match down and it’s right, they get to pick up 2 more cards from the middle. If they try to put a match down and it’s wrong, they have to give the cards to the next player. Whoever has the most matches down on the table at the end wins.
  2. Every player is dealt a country from the “countries” desk. Then someone randomly selects a “time period” card from the Time Period deck. Next everyone gets 3 helper cards to begin with. No one else can know the country besides the owner of that card. Everyone else has to try and figure out what country everyone else has based on the type of helper cards they play for that country during the time period. The winner is whoever played the least amount of helper cards until your country was guessed. Play until everyone’s country is figured out. The player whose country is guess first gets to still play as guessers on their turn but do not get the helper cards anymore.
  3. Periodic table cards. To win you have to have all the semimetal cards (6). Everyone gets 6 cards to begin with. There are 118 cards all together, one for each element. This game could be played many ways. Basis of the game is to have all the matching cards of a property. The semimetals are easiest because there are only 6 of them.
  4. Good Cop Fake Cop. Everyone receives a card saying if they are a good cop, fake cop, witness, or random bystander who knows nothing. No one knows the rule of each player, but everyone is dealt 7 cards that have statements telling that person what to do when they play the card, either accuse someone for the crime, answer interrogation questions, etc. But with the cards that are played, if it is a ‘cop only’ card, only the real cop can play it. If they are interrogation question cards that have to be answered at the time of play everyone can play it. From the story line you must answer questions honestly. The good cop is trying to pick out the fake cop, and the witnesses and random bystanders are trying not to go to jail. If the Cop takes the wrong person to jail, he is fired and loses the game and everyone else wins. If the good cop takes the fake cop to jail then the good cop wins.
  5. Paleontology cards. Team work to build a dinosaur while being timed. Almost like the fireworks game, the dinosaur has to be built from the feet up or else without the body and feet the dinosaurs head will fall and break. This game will come with dinosaur plastic body parts to put together so you have to build from the bottom up. This all has to be done in a 15 minute time period.