Da Final Rules

Rees Edwards

Gallery Grippers: An Art Heist Game

Game Overview: Gallery Grippers is an art heist board game in which 1 to 6 players assume the roles of Burglar Masterminds. Your goal is to assemble the best heist team, bypass high-security obstacles, steal valuable art pieces from four iconic museums around the world, and fence them off for monetary value.

Game Components:

  • Game Board: Features 4 famous museums, each with unique art pieces and security levels.
  • Specialist Cards: Crew members with specific abilities (e.g., Stealth Specialist, Master of Disguise, Hacker).
  • Attribute Cards: Tools and bonuses for specialists (e.g., Added Stealth, More Tech, Steroids).
  • Museum Description Cards: shows each museum’s art that matches with that said museum.
  • Percent Dice (2 d10) and Standard Dice (d6).
  • Score Sheets: used to track success percentages and strikes.
  • Art Cards: Represent unique artworks with monetary values and stat modifiers on their backs.


  1. Each player selects 6 starting cards (3 Specialist Cards and 3 Attribute Cards) to form their heist crew to start.
  2. Shuffle the remaining cards into two decks (Specialist and Attribute) and place them beside the board.
  3. Match each museum quadrant with its corresponding artwork
  4. Place Art Tiles in the designated art quadrants of each museum on the board.
  5. All players start at the base/black market tile


Throw a D6 to determine who goes first. Highest number rolled goes first. If there is a tie, rock paper scissors to determine who goes first. Then players take turns clockwise. Each turn involves the following steps:

  1. Roll to Move: Roll a six-sided die to determine how far you move on the board.
    • If you land on an Airport Tile (Blue): you must move to any other Airport Tile.
    • If you land on a Recruitment Tile (Green): Draw one card from either deck.
    • If you land on a Security (Black) or Alarm (Red) Tile: Attempt to bypass the obstacle through adding up your total percentage roll with your base success rate and bonuses.
    • Yellow Tiles (Trading Posts): Potentially Trade attribute cards with other player’s Attribute Cards 
    • If you land on an Art quadrant: Steal one piece.
  2. Obstacle Tiles (Black or Red):
    • Choose a max of one Specialist Card and/or one Attribute Card to address the obstacle.
    • Roll the percent dice (d10) and add:
      • Specialist bass success rate.
      • Attribute card bonuses.
      • Base roll percentage.
    • A total score of 100% or higher bypasses the obstacle.
    • If your total is less than 100%, you receive a strike.
  3. Strike Rules:
    • First Strike: Continue your turn.
    • Second Strike: You must leave the museum and return to the nearest Exit Tile (E). You then have the choice to leave the museum premises and reset your strikes on the next roll, or go back into that same museum with your previous two strikes still accounted for
    • Third Strike: You are out of the game.
  4. Exiting the Museum:
    • Successfully leave via an Exit Tile with the artwork to keep it.
    • If caught while carrying art:
      • No prior strikes: you have the ability to ditch the art and take one strike, or keep going with two strikes.
      • One strike already (which means this would be your second): Lose the art and return to an Exit Tile.
  5. Art Quadrant:
    • Upon reaching an Art Quadrant, you can steal one artwork.
    • Each art piece has:
      • A monetary value (e.g., $700,000,000).
      • A success rate deduction (e.g., -35%).
    • These modifiers affect your ability to leave the museum with the artwork, as the deduction is taken from your overall percentage roll.

Additional Rules:

  • Reupping on Cards: once a player has no more cards left, they must roll one D6 to determine how many cards they can pick from either deck
  • Selling Art:
    • Deliver art to a Black Market Tile to sell it for its face value.
    • Holding multiple pieces increases value (e.g., fencing two pieces together adds $200,000,000 when sold).
    • The first player to earn $1,000,000,000 wins.
  • Discarding Cards:
    • Used cards are discarded. When a deck runs out, shuffle the discard pile to replenish it.
  • Recruitment:
    • If a player has 1 or fewer cards, roll a d6 to draw that many said cards from either deck.
  • Art and Stat Modifiers:
    • Carrying art reduces your overall success percentage, making escape harder.
  • Airport Rule:
    • Players must move to a different Airport Tile when landing on one.
  • Be Smart:
    • Not all Specialist and Attribute Cards are equally strong, adding challenge.

Winning the Game:

  1. Last man standing


  1. Reach $1,000,000,000: Automatically win by earning this amount.

Tiles Breakdown:

  • Red Tiles (Alarm): Trip a wire; use cards and roll to bypass.
  • Black Tiles (Security): Confront a guard; use cards and roll to escape.
  • Green Tiles (Recruitment): Draw one card from either deck.
  • Blue Tiles (Airport): Move between airports.
  • Yellow Tiles (Trading Posts): Potentially Trade attribute cards with other player’s Attribute Cards 
  • Art Tiles: Steal one artwork.
  • Exit Tiles (E): Leave the museum.

Example Scenario:

  • Player lands on a Red Tile.
  • Chooses a Hacker Specialist (+30%) and a Tech Attribute (+20%).
  • Rolls a 50% on the percent dice.
  • Total = 30% + 20% + 50% = 100% (success).
  • If the roll were less than 100%, they’d receive a strike.

Plan your moves, recruit wisely, and master the art of the heist!

2 Replies to “Da Final Rules”

  1. Excited to see how the laser engraved board turns out, hope you show the class next semester.

  2. these rules are very thought out. im excited to see how selling your art to the black market can maybe effect your status.

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