Dare the Deep Documentation

I changed the number you have to roll to be successful. Originally you must roll a sum of 1-6; I changed it to 1-8. I also changed the strictness of when you have to drop your treasure and keep diving. I let players choose to stop rolling but stay on their bubble.

I think this game has a fun metaphor that could be fun for a kids game but the mechanics need some work. I think their are a couple of options to do this. Perhaps players must complete 2-3 objectives from their dives. I should also clarify that objectives are not fulfilled until the treasure is brought to the surface. Something to consider could be changing the success of dives depending on the depth of the water. Example. from bubbles 1 to 3, you are successful if you roll a sum of 10. from bubbles 4-6, you are successful if you roll a 1-8… This way, we continue the metaphor and increase the feeling of productivity. I should alter the rules to let divers choose to stop on bubble and end their turn. If they lose a roll, they must swim up and NOT drop their treasure. Perhaps only the treasure from the last “checkpoint” can be brought up? Sorting out these mechanics would need further game tests.

Overall, the game would make a cute kids game that incorporates risk mechanics. However, the mechanics definitely need the most work out of all of my game prototypes.

3 Replies to “Dare the Deep Documentation”

  1. This looks very detailed for a prototype. I think this is a good colorway to continue with for the final. Very Sailor esk.

  2. I like the overall design of the game, from the deep blue color of the sea to the fish silhouettes on the cards. The design isn’t too complicated, making for a simple and non-overwhelming experience.

  3. I love the design elements of this game, and I think that it has potential. I hope you revisit this at some point.

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