- nothing frustrated me, only my luck in pulling cards. also not getting to finish the game.
- getting to have as many cards in my hand as i wanted.
- no.
- maybe adding more of certain flowers, i know the point s for some cards to be more rare to get more points but i was struggling to get the cards i needed.
- only having a way to get rid of cards in your hand, cues the no hand limit is fun but at some point i think you would start running out of cards.
- pretty, strategic, creative.
3 Replies to “garden sabotage test”
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I started revamping the rules a little bit with some of these things in mind. I think I am going to add discarding as a potential action, but still keep the unlimited hand limit just because I want players to be open to a bunch of different strategies. I think I will add more cards to the game to partially combat this problem, however.
I can relate to the struggle of not having the right cards in your hand. At one point I swear I had half of the deck in my hand but did not have the cards I needed to finish my task.
i dont belive i played this game but seems interesting