Sara Estus – 5 Collecting Games

  1. Forager – This game is about gathering different types of mushrooms, using a board and little tokens with small mushroom drawings on them, the idea of the game is to collect similar edible mushroom species. However, there are many chances to stumble upon toxic mushrooms! If you accidentally gather a toxic species, you will lose several mushrooms in your basket written on the token – i.e.: Ink Cap Mushroom = Lose 3. The board is set up with multiple sections where mushrooms will grow, these “Forests” can provide more opportunities for gathering similar mushrooms, but you can only be in the same forest for two turns. This game is very similar to Takenoko
  • A Box for my Trinkets! – This game is about collecting trinkets, each player has a unique box where they will collect and hold their trinkets, however, you are given one “style card” that will vaguely tell you what size, style, and type of trinkets you can collect. Don’t worry though, there will be dozens of trinkets that can fit these requirements, it’s all about trading, bargaining, and gifting your fellow collectors (other players). Such as when they want to trade you have to give them something in exchange. Other players will not be able to tell what trinkets you have, and you’re meant to keep them a secret! The goal to win the game is to have a box full of trinkets that fit your “style card” and a special trinket that is golden – your most prized possession.
  • Green Thumb – A game about having a lot of houseplants, but only a little bit of room! The idea of this game is that you start with 4-5 house plants, You’ll begin with a room space with a window and some shelves, At the beginning of the game, you get a few plants that will tell you where your plants go in the room if you have the space, correct lighting, and proper temperature, your plants have a good chance of surviving. Now the idea of the game is to fill the space and keep your plants alive, the greener the better! Once you have filled your space and feel that your plants are of the highest quality of life, you win! However, there are many opportunities for pests to infect your plants, plants of optimal quality will begin to flower and spread – or cuttings will need to be harvested. This factor will be decided by chance, and each player will have a different affect happen every two turns.
  • Media – Mediums – A game about gathering up different experiences through trying new art mediums. Each player will begin the game with one art medium that they are good at, and throughout the game, they will have to gather different unique art mediums that can not only benefit the medium they have already mastered but also create something that represents all mediums and their uniqueness. (This game is more of a long-term commitment, so I’m not sure how well this would work irl)
  • To be a Frog – Though this game a self-explanatory, this game is about being a frog. You must establish an area in the pond where you will eat, sleep, and lay your eggs. The way to achieve this is to collect lily pads for your pond and ensure you have eaten enough flies to establish your area and avoid predators. At the beginning of the game you will start with a card that explains what your frog has as skills, are you able to eat more than 4 flies? Are you a poisonous frog that can ward off predators more easily than others? The way to win this game is to establish your home, create future generations, and establish a food source.

One Reply to “Sara Estus – 5 Collecting Games”

  1. I love all of these game ideas. Especially A Box for my Trinkets! I really hope this game would have a bunch of small physical objects, and not cards. It’s just begging for it.

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