Experimental game design lost theme+ Game review

  1. Roll out is a board game in which players will find their way out of the maze by rolling even numbers that are higher than 6.
  2. Pipeline is a board game in which players will find their way out of a pile system by completing action cards and finding survival cards that will help them get out of the system.
  3. Maze is a card game in which players must get themselves lost in a maze by chasing cards that would get them the most lost.
  4. Missing Persons is a card game in which players will be teamed up with a person who is lost and the other platers must find them by using clue cards.
  5. Get Lost is a board game in which players will try and get the other person lost on their journey by using direction cards and scenario cards.



Persist. The game.

In the game we get a score card where we rank our live values and keep track of milestones. Milestones are equal to 3 cards of the same value. The higher the ranking the more milestones a player needs. The cards were funny and it reminded me of Cards Against Humanity. You got to know information about other players that you did not know before. It is a funny game and I actually really enjoyed it.


In Tsuro we are given tile pieces that have lines on them which create a path on the board game. Players have to follow those lines and hope they do not end on the edge. If a player is lead to the edge they lose. I thought it was a fun game. For some odd reason it reminds me of Shoots and Ladders. I’m not sure as to why it reminds me of it- it just does. Overall it was a fun strategy game.


There’s a lot that goes on. The tallest person starts which with a bunch of shorter people does not help if we are all the same height. 5’3 gang! In the game you can play multiple objectives which help you grown and water and feed a panda and bamboo. The main pieces are in a big hexagon shape which I found interesting as I had not played a game like that with hexagon pieces. Have not played with large Hexagon game pieces in a while. This game was towards the end of class and I kinda stopped caring to be honest. Was not my favorite. Maybe if I had more time and was not sleep deprived I would’ve enjoyed it.

Collecting Ideas: Game Design

Madisyn Kovach

Idea 1: Travel and Collect

The board will be set up like the board game Life. At the beginning of the game, you will start with two $20 bills, three $10 bills, and four $5 bills. That will give you $100 to start your trip. Throughout the trip there are times were you can earn and lose money. You will start at a terminal that will be flying out of Pittsburgh, PA. You will then roll a set of dice. After rolling, you will see how many spaces you will be “flying” to (each spot on the board is different). For example, one space that you could land on might say, you lose a piece of luggage, you must pay $20 to get it back, you could get a spot where it said you helped someone out and they gave you money, or even you could land on a new spot at a different airport. I know when you go to a new airport, you tend to go into the Airport Shop and browse around while waiting for your next flight. I know we have all seen a coffee cup with the state name on the coffee cup. Whenever you land on a different/new terminal, you will then be prized with “coffee coin”. Whoever ends up with the most coffee coins at the end of the game wins.

Idea 2: The Landlord

This is a board game. The board will be set up like Sorry/Monopoly. A landlord is the owner of a house, apartment, condominium, land, or real estate which is rented or leased to an individual or business, who is called a tenant (also a lessee or renter). There will be four “landlords” that will play this game. You will start with a budget of $200. There will be a deck of cards in the middle of the board, you will need to pick up either an eight or one to get out of home. Each square on the board will have something that happens to their house that they are renting out to others. Either square could be good or bad. The goal by the end of the game is to get your four pieces to the safe zone, collecting the most income, and being ranked the best landlord.

Idea 3: Hoarders

Someone with a tendency to collecting everything, accumulating more and more, is a hoarder. In this card game, you will need 4-6 players. You will be given 10 cards total and must have that amount of cards in your hand at a time (a pile of 100 cards will be given to you in the game. Ten cards of numbers 1-10). When it is your turn, you will either be able to steal a card from a person or pick from the pile that is left over. Once you chose a card, you then must discarded one back into the discard pile. Whoever collects a match of the same number of cards first, wins.

Idea 4: At the Beach

This will be a fun card game that your goal will be to collect the correct seashells pairs and creating a landscape image of the beach by the end of the game. This game will need to only involve two people total. This game was created for little children who would like to work on memory skills. There will be twenty- cards (10 total pairs). Each turn, a player will be able to pick up two cards total. If you do pick up two of the same card, you will be able to set them to side and start building your beach image. Whoever collects their 10 cards and completed the landscape of the beach first wins.

Idea 5: The Albums

Vinyl albums are becoming great collector items. This will be a card game, four deck of cards will have some lyrics on them. These deck of cards will vary from 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 00’s hits. When it is a players turn, the player will pick up one of the song lyrics and try to guess what song it is from. If the player guesses the correct song, they will be able to collect a “vinyl token”. Whoever ends up with 10 vinyl tokens first wins.

Five Game Ideas: Theme of Collecting

Roll to Build

This is a dice game where players roll dice in order to choose legos to build with. When it is a players turn, they roll all six dice. There are six bags with different legos inside. Each bag has a number on the outside. Whatever number is rolled on the dice corresponds with the bag. That player takes one piece out of each bag with the corresponding numbers they rolled. Then they must build something out of those lego pieces. Each player does the same thing. Once everyone builds something, everyone votes on whose sculpture is best.

Ice Cream Scoops

This is a card game where players earn ice cream scoops when they complete a task. Whoever has the most ice cream scoops at the end of the game, wins. Each player is given an ice cream bowl of their choosing, then adds velcro ice cream scoops to their bowl as the game goes on.

Build Your Sentence

This is a card game where players are given seven cards with different words and letters. The goal is create a sentence with your hand of cards in order to lay down. The first player to lay their sentence down wins that round. That person should write down their sentence in order to remember it later in the game. At the end of seven rounds, players combine all the sentences they won together to make a paragraph. Whoever has the most sentences at the end of seven rounds, wins.


This is a card game where each player is a wanted by the FBI in a city trying to escape. The players know someone who can get them out of the city but they need to gather a list of things in order to make that happen. Players trade and pick up cards in order to gather their list of things before the other players. Who gathers their list first, wins.


This is a card game where players take on the identity of a troublemaker in school. Players must try to make it through a day of school without getting sent to detention. When a player gets in trouble by the teacher, they are given a warning. After three warnings, that player is sent to detention and is eliminated. Whoever makes it through the full day and has the least amount of warning cards wins the game.

5 game ideas about collection

  1. a board game where each player is an adventurer seeking out treasure for a museum. The game starts with a card showing what artifacts the museum requires, and players will travel across the globe to roll for and acquire different artifacts.
  2. a board game where each player controls a pirate ship attempting to reach islands to acquire gold. Tor travel across the board, players will play different movement tiles that will take them in different directions. The game will be similar to tsuro, however there will be obstacles around the board, and the ultimate goal is to reach the islands to acquire the most gold.
  3. A physics based game where players collect and place figurines without toppling the different layers of a shelf. Players will have a stockpile of different size figurines and each turn they will place the figurines on the shelf trying not to topple the shelf. The player who topples the shelf first will be the loser.
  4. a 1 vs everyone else card game where 1 player is the collector who has a immense collection of knick knacks. Each turn all the other players will steal one of the knick knacks and its up to the collector to realize what is missing and who stole it.
  5. A dungeon crawler board game where players traverse the dungeon facing and slaying monsters. The goal of this game is to slay different monsters and collect their body parts and organs to ultimately Frankenstein them together at the end of the dungeon. Each player will then have to battle the monsters that each other player created.

5 Games about Collection

City Builder is a board game in which city developers compete to build the most expansive city by collecting resources and using those resources to build new districts onto their city.

Temple Escape is a board game in which explorers must be the first to collect all of the temple’s treasures and escape the temple by moving across the board to collect resources, and racing to be the first to the exit once all resources are collected.

Litigation Master is a board game in which lawyers seek to be the first to earn a promotion by traveling across the board to collect resources and legal case cards, and using those resources to play legal case cards.

Hollywood Manager is a board game in which aspiring Hollywood agents compete to be the first to become an A-List Agent by traveling across the board, collecting resources such as Clout, Connections, and Money, and using those resources to recruit aspiring actors to become your clients.

Detective is a board game in which aspiring detectives compete to solve the most cases by traveling across the board to collect different clues for different cases, and solving the case once all the clues are obtained.

5 game ideas – lost

  1. Mall is a board game in which players try to find their mom in the mall by rolling dice to move and dealt cards to figure out which store their mom is in.
  2. Hampton is a board game in which players try to find their way home after making the wrong turn by rolling dice to move around the board and making decisions on which way to turn at intersections.
  3. Lost in Translation is a board game in which players try to navigate a foreign country where they don’t speak English by rolling dice and using context clues to get to their destination.
  4. Where’s Waldo? is a card game in which players have to figure out who has the card with Waldo on it by drawing cards and trying to get through the round without being caught.
  5. Lost Pet is a board game in which players have to figure out how to make it home after sneaking out of the house by drawing cards that determine which way you can turn at intersections.

2/24 game ideas – Emily Buzzie

A board game where players try to collect the most tokens while getting across the board, while having to buy items to get across the board with.

Players will start at one spot and then travel across the board. Players will choose where they want to go within different checkpoints, trying to collect tokens. At checkpoints, players will have to buy certain items, varying in cost, to get across the obstacle. An example would be getting across a river, you can buy a bridge (5 tokens), a raft (3 tokens), a branch (1 token). Depending on what they buy they will either cross safely and lose more tokens or may fail but have more tokens. The goal is to finish with the most tokens. 

A board game where players go to caves and dig for gems, trying to collect one of each gem.

Each player will start outside the mine and must roll the dice and move into the caves. Once a player is in the cave, the player can mine for a gem. The player must roll one dice and get a 4-6, a 1-3 means the player’s axe is not strong enough to cut through this rock. A 4-6 allows the  player to pick from the card pile for this certain cave (broken up by color). The player picks a card and it either has a gem or a rock card. With a gem, the player keeps it and collects it, trying to collect one of each color. There are 4 different caves (red, yellow, green, and blue). If you get a 1-3 in a cave and can’t mine for a gem, go to a different cave, and go back to that cave last. The goal is to be the first person who has all 4 gems. 

A card game where players try to find matches of cards to complete and collect goal cards. 

A card game where players try to collect goal cards. Players will get 7 cards, and always have 7 cards in their hand. During a players turn, they can discard a card, pick up a card, or get the goal card. The goal card has different pairings of cards and you want to get the pair and collect the goal card. Every card is different so getting a match is mostly luck. Players continue to collect goal cards and whoever has the most when the goal cards run out, wins!

A card game where players use ingredient cards to collect dishes and win the cook off!

A card game where players get ingredient cards to form ‘dishes’ which are then paired up to present to the judges for the cook off. Players will pick ingredient cards to collect dishes. Ingredient cards pair up to form certain dishes, which are worth different points. Players want to collect higher dishes and ultimately win the cook off. Once players have 3 dishes (3 ingredients = 1 dish, 3 dishes to go to the cook off) they will be judged (points from dishes cards are added up). Whoever has the highest points, wins. 

A board game where players collect smile tokens depending on different situations.

Players will move across the board while running to different scenarios. The scenario will either result in gaining smile tokens or losing some. The player will land on certain spots and have to pick a card with a scenario on it. An example on the card would be: got a puppy! Obviously this is a happy thing, so the player will gain a smile token. Players want to end the game the happiest and with the most smile tokens. 

Madisyn Kovach Week 4: 5 Game Ideas

Icing on the cake is a card game in which the players are competing to make a cake a full cake before their competitor.

Icing on the Cake comes with a deck of cards and a board that is similar to Trouble. It will also come with an ingredient sheet of different cakes. Each player will have a turn to roll one die. Throughout the board, there will be certain ingredients that each player will need to land on. After landing and picking up each ingredient that they need, they will be able to go and try to make it to the oven. Whoever gets all four of their pieces to the oven first wins.

Shed Light on this Subject is a board game in which the players are competing by trying to create an acronym that matches the topic .

So there will be a board with string lights and the alphabet (inspired by Stranger Things). There will also be a deck of cards with topics on the cards (ex: movies, cars, kitchen utensils.) A player will have to roll 2 dice a total of four times (after your first time rolling and where you land, thats where you will start moving your next piece). Whatever number they get they will move on the alphabet. Make sure you remember the four letters you have landed on. After rolling your fourth time, you will then try and create an acronym out of the four letters that you got that matches the topic. There will be no winner. You will just be playing throughout your night.

Heart of Gold is a card game in which the players are collaborating by trying to match a person with a generous disposition and trying to match them to their alter ego.

This will be a card game (inspired by memory). These cards will list a fictional persons name, their personality type, and something that they have done in their life(this can be good or bad things).There will be two deck of cards (one with the people that are described as angels and the other deck is rebel pile). You and your friends will need to try and match an a person with a generous disposition and trying to match them to their alter ego.

The classroom was a zoo is a board game in which players are competing and trying to capture the most classroom supplies.

This game is inspired by Life. There will be a board with 3D objects all over the board. These objects will be things that you would find in a classroom (pencils, backpacks, paper, toys, etc.) When first starting the game, the board will be a mess. You will want to spin and try to move a certain amount of spaces to pick up the objects that are laying on the board. Whoever ends up with the most objects in the end wins.

The night owl is a fun capturing game in which players are competing and trying to collect the most points throughout the evening.

During this game, players will competing to see who will receive the most cards. (Inspired by Cards Against Humanity) There will be an app that you will need to download on your phone. When on the app, it will ask to type your friends name/ the people who you are playing with. Then on the screen certain things life truth, dares, never have I ever questions, and betting questions will pop up. (It should say something like “I dare Madi to call your local convenience store and ask if they have a jean jacket”) If that player does the dare, answers it correctly, etc, the person on the phone will swipe right. That means it added a point under Madi. If the player does not accomplish that came up on the screen, the person controlling the phone will have to swipe left and they do not earn any points. Whoever wins the most points throughout the evening wins.

Game Design: Exploring favorite 2 ideas.

Madisyn Kovach

“Hey Alexa” Board Game

Objective: The object of the game is to be the first to get yourself to the finish.

Materials: An Alexa, the playing board, and 4-8 people


  1. Your team will plug in the “Hey Alexa” board
  2. The team will go around saying “Hey Alexa move *players name* “. This is so the Alexa can generate how many people are playing and what the names of those players are. While doing this they also need to say “Hey Alexa, *players name* is *the choose a color*. You must pick a color option so you. can tell what dot is yours on the board. The color options are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, and grey.
  3. Starting the game, the Alexa will start by picking a number 1-20. Each player will go around a say “*Their name* choses *a number that is 1-20*”. Whoever gets the number/closest number to what Alexa was thinking will go first.
  4. When it is a players turn, the player must tell the Alexa to “flip”. After seeing what digital card pops up, you must say “Hey Alexa, move *players name the certain amount of spaces*”. Keep in mind that there will be skip cards and certain number cards that will make you do certain things.
  5. Whoever makes it to the start to the finish space first wins the game.


  1. To be able to make the first move, you need to guess the correct/closest number 1-20 that Alexa is thinking.
  2. You must say “Alexa flip” to flip a card and “Hey Alexa move *players name* a certain amount of spaces.”
  3. If a player gets a number 1 card, the player will be able to go again.
  4. If a player gets a number 12 card, you may either move your player 12 spaces, or you can chose to move another player back 6 spaces.
  5. If one person is on a dot of the Alexa board and another player makes it on that spot, the person that was previously there must move back 4 spaces.
  6. After your turn is complete, you must wait until your next turn to say “Alexa flip”.

“Follow me on Instagram” Card Game

Objective: The object of the game is to be the first to get ten likes.

Materials- The “like” chips (hearts), profile cards, and over 100 of the people (photo cards)


  1. Each person will start out with 7 photo cards
  2. You will be going around and one person every round will be titled the “pic person”
  3. The Pic Person will pick up a profile card and lay it down in the middle of the table.
  4. Each player will have 7 options to chose from
  5. The Profile card will have a persons name and a bio about themself, it is your job to now find the funniest photo card that matches it the best.
  6. If the Pic Person choses your card to be the funniest, you will receive a like.
  7. Whoever ends up with ten likes first will win the game.


  1. Everyone must start with seven photo cards and remain with that many cards in their hand throughout the game.
  2. The youngest person that is playing with be the first pic person.
  3. When the pic person is picking their favorite card, you are not allowed to give them hints that it was yours.
  4. There will be both male and female photo cards that you are given. You may chose whatever fits the bio card best.
  5. After titling the winner, the game is over.

Game Ideas – Metaphors

  1. Clues is a matching game in which players compete to figure out what the relic is by putting cards together to create a picture to reveal the clues that leads them to the relic.
  2. It’s Raining Cats and Dogs is a board game in which the players have to collect 3 cats and 3 dogs on their umbrella by avoiding landing on sunny day tiles where you lose all of the cats and dogs on the umbrella.
  3. Airplane! is a competitive board game in which the passengers have to safely land the plane in Chicago by rolling dice to move and avoid being dealt turbulence cards.
  4. Scam is a board game in which players try to get through the game without falling for the scam by being dealt money and making decisions that will either save your money or lose it.
  5. Hat Trick is a competitive hockey game in which players win points by shooting a puck into a net.

Lost game ideas

  1. Path home is a card game where teams of 2 players each pick up cards that are map pieces, in order to build their map and get home. (2 player teams, 1 player pick cards , player one can not see the card, teammates can not talk to each other, player 2 must help player 1 keep or discard cards. These cards will be laid out at the end and made into a path from spawn to safe)

Blueprint is a card game where players collect items needed to build a plane and fly off the island that they are lost on. (players need a certain number of certain cards – depends on the blueprint card that the player picks at the beginning of the game, ex. 4 trees, 1 spare raft, 3 airplane seats, 2 coconuts. Players pick either cards out of the deck or ask players if they have certain cards, no= nothing, yes= get card)

Puzzle Map is a card game where players work together to create a map that they put together while following guidelines. Players pick puzzle piece looking cards, players fit pieces together to build an island map, showing where x is. There must only be one x and the puzzle must fit together. Players on their turn can pick up 1 piece, set down the piece or discard the card, no holding cards. Players must communicate to build the map and follow guidelines. Game is over when a puzzle is built and follows guidelines or there aren’t enough cards to build the puzzle/map.

Labyrinth is a board game where players pick cards in order to find out which direction to go, and eventually find their way out of the maze. Players’ game pieces are on a board that looks like a maze, players pick cards determining where they go. Card example: 1. Go left 2. If you can’t go left, Go right. 3. if you can’t go right, Go straight 4. If you can’t go straight, Turn around. But the order of these will change. Goal is to escape and find your way out of the maze, first to do so, win. 

Where am I? Is a board game where players try to guess where they are and win by guessing correctly. Players will pick a card at the beginning but don’t know what it is until the very end. Players must guess the location of the card they have is. Players must move around the board to get to their location that they guessed which hopefully matches with their card, while sabotaging other players to keep them from getting to their predicted location. During the entire game, players won’t know where they truly are. If their ending location is the same as their card: round over, +1 point. If it is not the same, no points. 3 points = win.

5 Games- Theme: lost

Lost Soul is a board game that uses your avatar piece to find your soul by answering questions on trivia cards, and the more you answer correctly and adhere to the rules on the board you will win the game.

Lost Soul is a one player video game where your avatar must go through multiple worlds battling enemies, and gathering enough tokens or “life source” to win the game.

Hidden Object is a multiplayer board game that uses a depiction of a mansion and 3D modeled objects for players to gather while picking up cards to move across the board. At the beginning, a card is selected from the object pile and placed downwards. The object that was selected is the object to collect, but remains hidden until all the objects are collected and once the objects are collected the card is revealed and whoever has the object wins.  

Peter Pan is a board game where you travel down a path as a lost boy by picking up cards, and rolling dice to determine how you get to Peter Pan’s hideout to hide from Captain hook without giving away the hiding spot.

Gold Rush is a multiplayer board game where you will build the board by buying pieces with golden tokens in order to mine more gold, and the person with the most territories mined wins.

Five Game Ideas: Theme of being lost

Bag of Things

In this game, there is a bag of 100 pieces of mini characters and things. Each player is given a list of what is in the bag. Then, each player goes around and takes one object out of the bag without showing the other players. The objective of the game is to find what pieces are missing from the bag before the other players do. When a player thinks they have figured out all of the pieces missing, they hit the buzzer to confirm their findings.

Arrow Treasure

Arrow Treasure is a card game where players are given a map that leads to the pot of treasure. They must pick up cards in order to map out their steps. Each player is given a different blue print of a maze. The pile of cards consists of arrows in different directions. Players need to pick up the arrow cards necessary to complete their maze to the pot of treasure.

Lost Balloon

Lost Balloon is a board game where players help a young boy find his balloon he lost. Players must go through different obstacles in order to find the balloon. The first player to reach the balloon, wins.

Secret Message

Secret Message is a board game where players are given secret messages on cards that can only be read by a certain flashlight. These messages can either help you or hurt on a players journey to find their way to freedom. Players are stuck in a cave and must read the secret messages in order to escape before the others.

Lost Without You

Lost Without You is a board game where players need to work together in order help the women character and male character find their way to one another. There are obstacles and relationship struggles that get in the way of uniting the two lovers. Do not give up hope but work together so the two lovers can meet.

5 Games about Collecting

Silk Road is a 4-player board game based in china that uses cards and collectors’ tokens to earn you a better living as a merchant, fisherman, bamboo gardener, or a monk. The person with the most items collected based on the number of points they’ve collected wins the game. The game is over when someone finds the golden dragon card and indicates the last round of the game.

Jewel Thief is a card game where there are 4 different gems that you must collect and you must have 10 of each to become King, but there’s a troll card that other players can play to steal your cards.

Tattooed is a multiplayer board game that has a person’s body that’s currently blank and the object of the game is to use cards and dice to get the person covered in tattoos of your choice. The bigger the tattoo the more points you get, and in order to pick up pieces of a tattoo you must roll dice to select the card that matches the number on the die.

Chicken Soup is a card game where you try to collect as many chicken cards for your grandma to make chicken soup. Every player gets a different recipe card and must collect the things on the list, and however many chickens you need. If you get a rat or raccoon card, you lose all of your chickens and ingredients and need to start over.

Boom is a multiplayer boardgame that is in the shape of a periodic table where the players get a card of specific elements they need to create a chemical reaction, but the only way to get the elements is to create them by trading protons and neutrons or purchasing the element with money you earn based on your discoveries.

Game Ideas 2/11-2/18

Out of the Woods

A board game where players must find their way out of a forest and avoid its inhabitants by moving, placing tiles, and rolling dice.

At Sea

A board game where players explore the ocean and find land by placing tiles, moving, and drawing and playing cards.

What Dreams Are Made Of

A card game where players look for their way out of a dream world by drawing cards and choosing which action to take.

The Road Home

A board game where players try to find their way home on a map of the world by drawing cards and choosing an order to play them.

Cavern Climbers

A board game where players make their way up and out of a cave by moving, placing tiles, and drawing cards.