Madisyn Kovach Week 4: 5 Game Ideas

Icing on the cake is a card game in which the players are competing to make a cake a full cake before their competitor.

Icing on the Cake comes with a deck of cards and a board that is similar to Trouble. It will also come with an ingredient sheet of different cakes. Each player will have a turn to roll one die. Throughout the board, there will be certain ingredients that each player will need to land on. After landing and picking up each ingredient that they need, they will be able to go and try to make it to the oven. Whoever gets all four of their pieces to the oven first wins.

Shed Light on this Subject is a board game in which the players are competing by trying to create an acronym that matches the topic .

So there will be a board with string lights and the alphabet (inspired by Stranger Things). There will also be a deck of cards with topics on the cards (ex: movies, cars, kitchen utensils.) A player will have to roll 2 dice a total of four times (after your first time rolling and where you land, thats where you will start moving your next piece). Whatever number they get they will move on the alphabet. Make sure you remember the four letters you have landed on. After rolling your fourth time, you will then try and create an acronym out of the four letters that you got that matches the topic. There will be no winner. You will just be playing throughout your night.

Heart of Gold is a card game in which the players are collaborating by trying to match a person with a generous disposition and trying to match them to their alter ego.

This will be a card game (inspired by memory). These cards will list a fictional persons name, their personality type, and something that they have done in their life(this can be good or bad things).There will be two deck of cards (one with the people that are described as angels and the other deck is rebel pile). You and your friends will need to try and match an a person with a generous disposition and trying to match them to their alter ego.

The classroom was a zoo is a board game in which players are competing and trying to capture the most classroom supplies.

This game is inspired by Life. There will be a board with 3D objects all over the board. These objects will be things that you would find in a classroom (pencils, backpacks, paper, toys, etc.) When first starting the game, the board will be a mess. You will want to spin and try to move a certain amount of spaces to pick up the objects that are laying on the board. Whoever ends up with the most objects in the end wins.

The night owl is a fun capturing game in which players are competing and trying to collect the most points throughout the evening.

During this game, players will competing to see who will receive the most cards. (Inspired by Cards Against Humanity) There will be an app that you will need to download on your phone. When on the app, it will ask to type your friends name/ the people who you are playing with. Then on the screen certain things life truth, dares, never have I ever questions, and betting questions will pop up. (It should say something like “I dare Madi to call your local convenience store and ask if they have a jean jacket”) If that player does the dare, answers it correctly, etc, the person on the phone will swipe right. That means it added a point under Madi. If the player does not accomplish that came up on the screen, the person controlling the phone will have to swipe left and they do not earn any points. Whoever wins the most points throughout the evening wins.

One Reply to “Madisyn Kovach Week 4: 5 Game Ideas”

  1. Icing the Cake has potential to be a great kids game, and lends itself to fun tokens and a big cake oven for players to race to place their ingredients.

    I also like the idea of using an app to allocate points in Night Owl, could this also allow for socially distanced or remote play?

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