Lost game ideas

  1. Path home is a card game where teams of 2 players each pick up cards that are map pieces, in order to build their map and get home. (2 player teams, 1 player pick cards , player one can not see the card, teammates can not talk to each other, player 2 must help player 1 keep or discard cards. These cards will be laid out at the end and made into a path from spawn to safe)

Blueprint is a card game where players collect items needed to build a plane and fly off the island that they are lost on. (players need a certain number of certain cards – depends on the blueprint card that the player picks at the beginning of the game, ex. 4 trees, 1 spare raft, 3 airplane seats, 2 coconuts. Players pick either cards out of the deck or ask players if they have certain cards, no= nothing, yes= get card)

Puzzle Map is a card game where players work together to create a map that they put together while following guidelines. Players pick puzzle piece looking cards, players fit pieces together to build an island map, showing where x is. There must only be one x and the puzzle must fit together. Players on their turn can pick up 1 piece, set down the piece or discard the card, no holding cards. Players must communicate to build the map and follow guidelines. Game is over when a puzzle is built and follows guidelines or there aren’t enough cards to build the puzzle/map.

Labyrinth is a board game where players pick cards in order to find out which direction to go, and eventually find their way out of the maze. Players’ game pieces are on a board that looks like a maze, players pick cards determining where they go. Card example: 1. Go left 2. If you can’t go left, Go right. 3. if you can’t go right, Go straight 4. If you can’t go straight, Turn around. But the order of these will change. Goal is to escape and find your way out of the maze, first to do so, win. 

Where am I? Is a board game where players try to guess where they are and win by guessing correctly. Players will pick a card at the beginning but don’t know what it is until the very end. Players must guess the location of the card they have is. Players must move around the board to get to their location that they guessed which hopefully matches with their card, while sabotaging other players to keep them from getting to their predicted location. During the entire game, players won’t know where they truly are. If their ending location is the same as their card: round over, +1 point. If it is not the same, no points. 3 points = win.

One Reply to “Lost game ideas”

  1. I’m stuck on blueprint and thinking about how it could be tied to famous shows or movies about islands – Gillagan’s Island, Cast Away, Robinson Crusoe, Lost, etc. Each player could be trying to build a different escape craft, boats, planes based on where they are lost. Check out https://youtu.be/lMLP0gn4I6k

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