Rules V2

The goal is to be the first person with a value of 50 in there hand.

Requires a standard deck of cards

Set up

  • Remove both jokers
  • Deal each player 3 cards
  • The tallest player goes first
  • Direction of play at the start is clockwise


  • Each turn a player will draw one card from the deck.
  • Players can get rid of cards by giving them to another player.
  • Each turn players can use one card from there hand to affect play

Used cards are returned to the bottom of the deck.

The first person with the value of 50 in there hand wins.

  • Aces have the value of 1 and are used to move all players hands one person to the right.
  • King/queens have the value of 12 and are used to reverse the turn order.
  • Jacks have the value of 11 and moves 5 cards from the players hand to the hand of a player of their choice.
  • 7’s allow the player to swap hands with one player of their choice.
  • All other numbered cards move that number of cards to the hand of the player on the right.

Kings/queens players took turns in a clockwise direction now go counterclockwise.

numbered cards move that number of cards one person to the right

aces all players mover there hands one person to the right

sevens swap hands with one player

Week 5 Game Ideas

Squirrels! is a collaborative collecting game in which players (as a scurry of squirrels) must help each other complete tasks like raiding the bird feeder and annoying pets, in order to collect enough nuts to last them through winter hibernation.

BFFs is a collecting and card game where you must win a hand of war in order to receive and collect friendship points and dominate your friend group.

Robots vs. Monsters is collecting game where players must collect both mech parts and mech compatibility points each round in order to create a mech capable of destroying the monsters.

Granny Squares is a competitive collecting board game in which grandmothers must collect more yarn than each other by moving around the board before the sale at the craft store ends.

Library of Alexandria is a fast paced card game where players must try to collect enough books (cards) for their collection to survive once a fire (burn card) is revealed.

Bonanza review

  • farming beans
  • simple rules
  • plant your beans in the order you get them
  • most money wins
  • can buy a 3rd field
  • long game
  • go though the deck 3 times
  • can trade cards with other players
  • must plant your beans
  • first round is the longest
  • last round is the shortest
  • number of cards in the deck changes with number of players
  • starting hand size changes with number of players

Collecting game ideas

1 Defenestration is a board game in which players compete to overthrow the king by collecting the most weapons.

2 Dragon is a board game in which players compete to be the best dragon by colleting the most shiny objects.

3 Empires is a board game in which players compete to make the best empire by colleting land, money and population.

4 Dwarfs is a board game in which players collaborate to make a dwarf kingdom by collecting all valuable metals in the mountain.

5 Gold rush is a card game in which players compete to have the most gold.

game rules: Dragon Collector

Dragon collector

The goal is to be the first person to have one of each type of dragon.

All required items are included in the games packaging. Money, meat tokens, weapons cards, info cards, dragon cards

Set up

  • Cards and money not currently in position of a player are to stay in there stacks
  • Youngest goes first
  • Players get money, meat, and one info card to start
  • Players can buy/trade for meat, info and weapons or sell for money with other players or take from the unused cards.
  • Dragon cards are given only after the player has tamed the dragon.


  • Players can buy, trade, or sell, once and move once in a turn.
  • When buying/trading or selling other players can make offers and counter offers.
  • When two or more players are at the same point and one is about to tame a dragon. The other player can contest the taming.  

The winner is the first to tame one of each dragon type.

  • Info cards tell you where each type of dragon can be found, and what is needed to tame it.
  • Meat tokens are used in the taming of dragons different dragon types require more or less meat to tame.
  • Weapon cards are used to fight dragons to make taming easier and to contest the taming of other players each dragon type has a different weapon value.
  • Money is used to buy meat tokens, info cards, and weapon cards. Money can also be used to tame dragons.
  • Dragon cards show what type of dragon it is and what a play needs in order to tame it.
  • Moving is based on the number of a dice role.

Rule set 2

The goal is to be the first person with a value of 50 in there hand.

Requires a standard deck of cards

Set up

  • Remove both jokers
  • Deal each player 5 cards


  • Each turn a player will draw one card form the deck.
  • Players can get rid of cards by giving them to another player.
  • Used cards are returned to the bottom of the deck.

The first person with the value of 50 in there hand wins.

  • Aces have the value of 1 and are use to move all players hands one person to the right.
  • King/queens have the value of 12 and are used to reverse the turn order.
  • Jacks have the value of 11 and moves 5 cards from the players hand to the hand of a player of their choice.
  • 7’s allow the player to swap hands with one player of their choice.
  • All other numbered cards move the same number of cards as the number on the cards to the hand of the player on the right.

Kings/queens players took turns in a clockwise direction now go counterclockwise.

10’s would move 10 cards and 5’s would move 5 cards.

Rules For Cutthroat Chicken


The objective of Cutthroat Chicken is to work together with other players to make it off of the farm before becoming the farmer’s dinner.

Required Materials

  • Game Board
  • Path Tiles (to place on the Game Board)
  • Chicken Game Pieces
  • Weapon Cards
  • Armor Cards
  • Dice


Start by shuffling the Path Tiles face down and place them on the gameboard (face down) in their designated spaces. Each player then chooses the chicken piece and places it at random on the gameboard. No more than two players may be on the same Path Tile. Every player may also draw one weapon card and one armor card.

The first round starts by each player taking a turn flipping over their Path Tile. The player who has eaten chicken most recently goes first. Each path tile gives different directions. Follow the directions on your tile. Some Path Tiles bring joy and others bring sorrow.

On Your Turn…

Begin your turn by flipping over the Path Tile you are on. Your path tile will include directions for your chicken. You may be asked to draw another armor card, draw another weapon card, or even to form an alliance. Beware of Path Tiles with farmers. You will need to use your friends and weaponry to take them down or escape. After you have completed the directions on your path tile you may pick a new Path Tile to move to. Your new Path Tile can only be one tile away from yours in any direction. DO NOT flip over your new tile until it is your turn again. Your turn ends once you move to a new tile and make sure you only have a total of one armor card and two weapon cards in your hand.

Ending the Game

Cutthroat Chicken ends once all the Path Tiles have been revealed. The chickens left at the end have escaped the farm and becoming a meal. If all chickens die before all the Path Tiles are revealed then no one wins and you have all become delicious McChicken sandwiches.

Fighting Farmers

Farmers require a certain dice roll in order to defeat them. The dice roll required is next to the farmer on the Path Tile. Weapons aid your dice roll by increasing the number you roll depending on how good your weapons are. You may add both your weapon modifiers to your dice roll. If you don’t roll high enough you may ask a nearby chicken for assistance. That chicken may only add one weapon modifier to their roll, and may only half the total of their dice roll to yours. If you have rolled high enough with your ally’s help you survive, but you must discard one weapon card.

If you have no weapons when you meet a farmer, your dice roll is taken as is with no modifiers.

If you do not roll high enough to defeat the farmer you are eliminated from the game.

Animal Theme Game Ideas

Cat Domination

Cat Domination is a card game in which players build cat armies in order to infiltrate homes of dog owners and convert them to cat people. The more dog owners the players convert the more points they gain.

  • Cats are the best pets
  • You walk around with dog shit
  • Make the best pet choice

Shark Bait

Shark Bait is a game where players start as a baby shark and work their way through the ocean catching prey and growing into a bigger shark, while avoiding predators. Grow into the biggest shark to win the game.

  • Ferocious and fierce
  • Be the biggest beast around
  • Sharks are the ocean kings

Mouse in the House

Despite the title, no this is not a new version of Mouse Trap it is quite the opposite. In Mouse in the House players play as a mouse in the house (clue style board) wreaking havoc and chewing as much as possible while avoiding traps.

  • Mouse infestation
  • Chewing and gnawing your things
  • Catch them if you can

Monster Mash

Monster Mash is a matching card game in which players work to put cards together to build a completed version of their monster. The person who completes building their monster first is the winner.

  • Cute monster mash up
  • Bring to life your creature first
  • Matches win the game

Cryptid Hunting

Cryptid Hunting is a game where players follow clues to find and capture each cryptid in existence. The player who captures the most cryptids is the winner.

conquest themed game ideas

1 Armageddon is a board game in which players fight a demonic invasion.

2 Galactic conquest is a board game in which players compete to control the galaxies by building fleets.

3 Marauder is a board game in which players compete to be the best pirates by upgrading their ship.

4 Valhalla is a board game in which players compete to reach Valhalla by increasing your fame and fighting larger battles.

5 Ragnarök is a board game in which players try to stop rampant gods.

Dominion and Carcassonne review


  • simple rules
  • game ends when all tiles are placed
  • get more turns with less players
  • multiple ways to get points
  • different tiles have different values


  • simple rules
  • most green cards wins
  • each player has there own deck
  • build your deck as you play
  • long game
  • limited interaction with other players
  • many different types of cards
  • buy cards for your deck
  • complex set up

Week 4 Game Ideas – free theme

Mercy is a card conversation game where one person is the king and the other players are peasants affected by various afflictions (based on the cards they draw). The peasants must appeal to the king for mercy and aid in their plights. The king awards mercy to one person (the winner of the round), everything is rotated so there is a new king, and the next round starts. The person with the most mercy points at the end wins.

What a Drag is a card conversation game where the players must create a drag stage name for a drag queen/king based on the word cards in their hand, and then debate who has the best stage name of the round. Whoever has the most ‘best stage names’ at the end wins.

Married in a Hurricane is a card conversation game where players must create an absurd situation for two people to get married in based on the word cards in their hands. The person with the most absurd idea wins the round, and the person who wins the most rounds wins the game.

Phone Numbers is a card conversation game where players must use the letter cards to spell out the end of a phone number (ie. 1-800-96-TWINS) and explain what that phone number would be for. The best phone number/explanation wins.

Toppings is a card conversation game where the judge pulls a card that has something that can have toppings on it. The players must decide what toppings will go on the item based on the word cards in their hands, and the judge picks the most (or least) appealing.

group game ideas

1 The court is a card game in which the players collaborate to get all faces card in a standard deck.

2 Strategically Transfer Equipment to Alternative Locations (S.T.E.A.L.) is a physical game in which teams compete to find the largest object and move it to a designated area by using rope and there own strength.

3 Dragon collator is a board game in which players compete to find a dragon by using information cards.

4 Search for gold is a card game in which teams compete to collect lost Nazi gold by using old documents cards.

5 Hide now is a physical game in which players collaborate to avoid the sight of one player by using walkie-talkies.

Collab Game Ideas

Black Friday Massacre

Black Friday Massacre is a RPG tabletop game in which players collaborate to make it through Black Friday as a retail worker by overcoming WASP moms, Karens, and hordes of capitalist zombies.

Let Them Eat Cake

Let Them Eat Cake is a collaborative card game in which players work as assassins and attempt to behead all of the most iconic historical monarchs without getting caught. Players may also compete with each other for the most assassinations.

Cutthroat Chicken

Cutthroat Chicken is a tabletop game in which players attempt to escape their fate on the chicken farm by arming themselves against the farmers [the game] and making tough sacrifices.


Seedlings is a card game in which players pick a plant they would like to bloom/ripen into and compete to see who can bloom first while also needing to share resources.


Purity is a board game where players attempt to avoid committing all 7 deadly sins in order to get to heaven by overcoming peer pressure and temptation. The players may also compete to see who commits the least amount of deadly sins (not required).

Week 3 – Collaborative Game Ideas

Much Ado About Nothing is a turn based strategy game in which characters must work together to get Beatrice and Benedick (lead characters, NPCs) to fall in love by ‘cornering’ one of the leads and spreading rumors. If you spread x number of rumors, the lead is in love. Both leads must be in love before the wedding of Hero and Claudio (after x amount of turns), or the game is over.

Three Legged Tag is a physical game in which the players must work together to collect and tie up everyone who is free by running after the free people whilst tied up three-legged-race style. If a free person is tagged, they get tied onto the leg of one of the taggers, who then continue chasing non-tagged people.

Lavastones is a physical game in which a group of scientists must all cross a stream of lava by maneuvering the limited number of ‘stones’ that are safe to walk on into a path for everyone to cross.

Squirrels! is a resource-collecting game in which a colony of squirrels must collect enough nuts for winter hibernation by helping each other hit certain milestones or goals on the board (hitting a milestone or goal gives you x amount of nuts).

Matchsticks is a card game in which each team of two players must get to a certain point total before any other team by playing off what their partner has already played.

Week 2 – Card Game Ideas

Card Color Theory – have a deck of rainbow cards. Each color is assigned a value based on color theory. You have to get to a certain color value by mixing colors without making a muddled brown color. Like blackjack, but with colored cards instead of numbered cards.

Jimmy Sprinkles – there are six piles of four cards face down in front of each person (2 players) and four face up cards between them. Looking at one group of four at a time, you can swap out cards from that group with the face up cards in the middle. You must have four cards in each ‘hand’ at a time. The goal is to have four matching cards. Once you have a matching four card set, that ‘hand’ is laid down face up. Cards can no longer be traded in or out of that group. The goal is to be the first person to get all six of their ‘hands’ face up AND shout Jimmy Sprinkles. Why Jimmy Sprinkles? I don’t know, it sounds funny.

Four Kingdoms – each suite is a kingdom (13 cards). Players take turns playing war, capturing the fallen card and setting them aside. Once the player is out of their original 13 cards from their own suite, they must use their captured cards to keep playing. However, if they play a hand of war with a captured suite against that suite’s original kingdom, the original kingdom automatically wins and discards the challenger from play (no matter the card point total). The last man standing wins.

Mismatch – several mismatched decks of cards are mixed together and divided evenly among the players. Players take turns playing war. Card numbers are important, but so are the decks the cards came from. For example, red themed cards have a plus one against blue themed cards, blue themed cards have a plus one against Tennessee tchotchke novelty themed cards, and Tennessee themed cards have a plus one against red themed cards. The card number + the color/theme bonus = total card value. If your total card value is higher than your opponent’s, you win that round and the challenger is eliminated from play. Last person with cards wins.

Fridge Magnets – the deck has many different words, each printed on its own card. Players must make a poem/sentence/joke out of the cards from their hands. Only play one word at a time, draw a new word at the end of the hand. First person to make a coherent phrase wins.

Card game ideas

1 Using a standard deck of cards the first person to get a jack wins. Pull a joker discard all cards in your hand.

2 First person to be holding a value of 40 in there hand wins.

3 The first person to get a matching king and queen wins.

4 The person with the lest card in there hand at the end wins. kings and queens remove cards from you hand. jacks add cards to your hand.

5 First person to have one of every card from a suite wins.