Rules V3

The goal is to be the first person with all cards of the same color in there hand.

Requires a deck of uno cards

Set up

  • Remove all wild and blank cards
  • Deal each player 3 cards
  • The tallest player goes first

There are 24 red cards, 24 blue cards, 24 green cards, and 24 yellow cards


  • Each turn a player will draw one card from the deck.
  • Players can get rid of cards by giving them to another player.
  • Each turn players can use one card from there hand to affect play
  • If any player ends up with no cards they can draw 3 cards from the deck

Used cards are returned to the bottom of the deck.

The first person with all cards of the same color in there hand wins.

  • Reverse cards are used to reverse the turn order.
  • Skips are used to skip the next players turn
  • +2’s take 2 random cards from any one player if no player has 2 or more cards draw 2 card from the deck
  • +4’s take 4 random cards from any one player if no player has 4 or more cards draw 4 card from the deck
  • 0’s moves 5 cards from the players hand to the hand of a player of their choice.
  • 1’s are used to move all players hands one person to the right.
  • 7’s allow the player to swap hands with one player of their choice.
  • All other numbered cards move the same number of cards as the number on the cards to the hand of the player on the right.

Reverse’s players took turns in a clockwise direction now go counterclockwise

+two’s take two random cards from another player

+four’s take four random cards from another player

Skips next player skips there turn

Numbered cards move that number of cards one person to the right

Ones all players mover there hands one person to the right

Sevens swap hands with one player

Zero’s move 5 cards to the hand of another player

2 Replies to “Rules V3”

  1. Playtest for: Aaron (unnamed)
    Playtester: Clay
    What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
    Having the win objective be 24 of the same color card. It seems unattainable
    What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
    Playing a combo when you play a card to give your opponent cards that you actually want and then subsequently switching hands with them
    Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t?
    Finish the game. Due to us using the same cards that we needed to collect in order to sabotage the other player, we ended up not getting complete sets of any color
    If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
    Not having the cards that you need to collect also have abilities that incentivize you to play them, use half as many of the cards or even less to speed up gameplay
    How has the play experience changed since the first play test?
    Uno cards were used instead of playing cards. Win condition was changed to not have to count the value. Two players instead of four.
    Is this a game you would play again? Why?
    I think this game still needs work to be functional. We were not near an end to the game after playing for quite a while

  2. What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
    24 cards is a lot of cards
    What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
    Switching hands
    Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t?
    If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
    I’d take the “action” cards out of the final tally of color cards, making it actually possible to win
    How has the play experience changed since the first play test?
    Is this a game you would play again? Why?
    Yes I laughed so much

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