2 Replies to “Evan and kelsey dice thrown remastered”

  1. We were confused about how to start, so I would recommend adding a how-to start and explaining all of the pieces.

  2. The following questions arose when we tested “Dice Thrown Remastered”:

    How is the game set up?
    How does the player take their turn?
    What is an ability upgrade, and, in turn, how are they played?
    Can a player attack at any time?

    Reading over your rules, it is clear how you changed the game, however, the mechanics of the gameplay were left unexplained. A good place to start could be laying out how to take a turn and going into further detail about how to complete each phase. From there, you might consider more concrete rule changes. You stated that a player may do x, or y, almost as if it were an unfinished thought. Though both proposals would be successful, I would consider choosing just one.

    I see the vision of this game, and I can not wait to get a better understanding of how you manipulated it to become a game of your own. Keep it up!

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