Website Review #4


I chose to review the website of Breads Bakery in New York City. It is a small café that sells many types of bread, pastries, and desserts. This place would be competition for my group’s restaurant because we also focus on food like this instead of large meals. They are trying to achieve the same type of feeling as we are. A page of their website says “It fills us with satisfaction to feed and to host. Much thought is put into this – making it comfortable, pleasant, appetizing, aromatic, satisfying and abundant.”


Their website is a little dull for my tastes but it’s also quite busy. When you first go to it you aren’t sure where to look because there are so many things competing for your attention. Their logo at the top center of the page is one of the things that stands out the most since it is bright red against a light tan background. The only texture is in the photos of their food throughout the site. The dominant colors are the tan background and the same bright red that is used in the logo. Red also appears on their “passover menu” and “order online” buttons. It seems they use that color to draw attention to whatever services they are featuring at the moment.


Their contact and location info is at the top of the page where it is easy to find. Their navigation is simple and easy to read- they use a horizontal menu near the top of the page, and when you hover over each word, a drop down menu appears.


One thing that stands out to me is the success of their menu page. They did a great job of fitting all of that information into one page while also keeping it uncluttered and easy to interpret. There is texture on this page that makes the menu look like a real, physical menu. It’s light green and stands out from the rest of the page.


The only thing I don’t particularly like about this website is the business of the home page. I don’t think it’s necessarily a bad thing, though. Its format reminds me of a blog with photos and text throughout. It does make the page interesting, but it could be distracting to people who are looking for a specific thing on the site.


I think my group could consider doing a menu page similar to this. We have been having a hard time fitting all the information on one page, and this might be a good format.

Review #4

Due to the lack of fusion restaurants in Pittsburgh, I would have to say our biggest rivals for business would be Kaya and Habitat. Both are restaurants that pride themselves on fresh, local produce while integrating Island cuisine and twists on traditional favorites, respectively. Of course, since The Burgh focuses solely on fusion burgers, it has a bit of its own uniqueness that Kaya and Habitat do not already possess. Kaya’s website ( is a bit lacking to say the least. The body is but a square in a seas of earthy brown. While its color scheme does give a feel of “island life”, it does so in a generic way with thickly textured backgrounds of palm trees. It lacks the sophisticated appearance of a restaurant that is supposed to be one of Pittsburgh’s best and disappoints with its lack of web pages, especially the menus which are just PDFS linked to the page. There also seems to be little care shown to how margins and gutters are used in regards to text and the blocks of color they are placed within. Habitat (, on the other hand, has a much more pleasing aesthetic than Kaya. This website has a fresh and clean looking that is pleasing to the eye and hints at the more extravagant (and expensive) dishes that they serve. The website is not the most straightforward one I have experienced. When arriving to the homepage, I was caught off guard by the lack of navigational bars and instead had to search for the “menu” icon seen in many cell phone applications. After realizing that this was the navigation bar, I could appreciate the design since the website really does focus on the food more than anything else with the menu being the focal point and otherwise unaccompanied by blocks a text. Even the “About Us” portion was only three or four snippets of short sentences. I also enjoyed the overall flow since the website is mainly one page that just scrolls vertically, except for the extended menus, such as breakfast, brunch, and lunch. Our design for The Burgh is similar to Habitat’s in that is uses a set color scheme that is clean and consistent as well as a simple layout made for easy navigation. Elements that our website shares with Kaya is that it too uses a navigation bar at the top and bottom and has separate pages rather than Habitat’s single flow. While The Burgh would potentially be less expensive than either of these restaurants, we designed it to have a similar to feel to a restaurant that is more modern and high-end than the average burger joint. Its simplicity and cleanliness is what will make The Burgh standout as a fusion burger restaurant.

Review #3

For my third site review, I chose to compare and contrast the websites of Burgatory ( and Red Robin ( Out of these two sites I believe that Red Robin has a much more classic site than Burgatory as it follows a tight layout that I have seen on many other websites, food-related or not. Red Robin balances its website through the use of this layout, or grid, as well as through the use of color as its panels/links are pops of color on a more muted background. Burgatory, on the other hand, seems to use the term very loosely. While I enjoy its use of background and more interactive interface, I can’t help but feel that its elements are just floating in air without much thought to a grid or hierarchy. It does feel unbalanced to me as there are transparent images (the logo and burger/shake icons) on the left side of the home page that rely on negative space, while on the other side of the massive burger/shake gallery the navigation bar simply hangs with what looks like a gift card center positioned below it. I personally think that Burgatory’s choice of a less defined website, despite making it more interesting to look at, makes it more of a guessing game when trying to navigate the site. Both websites have a firm grasp on unity, despite some layout issues. Both are consistent in their use of color and typography. Both are also conscious of their use of background throughout their web pages. Burgatory’s website did confuse a bit, though as I noticed discrepancies through some of their pages where the bottom nav had a weird upper border.  Red Robin also has the upper hand with their clean and precise gridded layout, as mentioned before. In regards to Krug’s principles, both websites have their highs and lows. Krug’s “First Law of Usability” is apparent in Red Robin’s design. The page is laid out in a way where things are easy to spot and find as they use very little text, so links are simple and defined. Burgatory is a bit harder to decipher. It is difficult to tell what is a link in some cases as much of the page has a flat, unresponsive appearance despite it being very interactive once you begin clicking. On my first encounter with these sites, I immediately noticed the differences in how well one would perceive them. Red Robin can be easily scanned as most are familiar with its layouts. I was able to quickly find what I was looking for without reading in to it, but one Burgatory’s page I had to think about what I was looking for and got distracted along the way by giant pop-ups as I moved my mouse over the central image (burger or shake). If Burgatory were to fix its layout and comply to a stricter grid, I believe I would enjoy its site more just because it is entertaining and makes me want to explore the site, but as for which is more effective, I would have to say Red Robin has altogether easier to navigate site that the average person would maneuver much faster than one on Burgatory, especially if you are easily distracted like me.

Review 4

For the final project, my group is doing a fusion restaurant on a burger joint restaurant. The restaurant I chose to compare it to be Tessaro’s, which is another burger joint restaurant. Opening up Tessaro’s website, the first thing I realize is how little is on most of the pages. The homepage just has a slideshow of photo’s that has a little bit of everything the restaurant has to offer. Also, there’s only three tabs and only one is a dropdown menu. The menu tab just takes you straight to the menu and you have to search the whole thing to find what you want. The about us tab is the one that has a drop down menu. It has three selections for our story, remembering Kelly, and reviews. Then the last tab is a contact us tab. In the our story is just a basic set up of a photo of the building and with the story of how this restaurant began. The next page is a page to remember the founder Kelly Harrington. This description is longer than the story of the restaurant, and also it doesn’t say how Kelly died or when he died which I think would be information people would want to know. The reviews page have a decent amount of reviews, but I wish there would be numbers there as well to show what people are giving the restaurant a rating because guests want to know that. Finally, the contact us tab only has the address, phone number, and location map which this tab looks really pointless because there’s so much space on the left side and the contact info is on every page and it makes this page not too appealing. The colors though I don’t find appealing, especially if it’s just a Pittsburgh type restaurant because there doesn’t seem to have significance to them with the black background and red text. The Tessaro logo though is in white text. There isn’t really much texture either with just the plain back background, and little navigation. Some of the pages that are longer like the menu and the remembering Kelly tab has a button to go back to the top. Also, you can click on the logo whenever you want to take you back to the homepage, but unless you put your cursor over it, I don’t think it would be noticeable if you didn’t go looking for it.

As far as guiding through the content, I feel it’s a simple set up, but I feel aspects are missing or in the case of the menu feel it should be broken up more. Instead of having the whole menu on one page, have it broken up so people can find things quicker that they’re looking for. Besides things already mentioned, what I think is missing is hours of operation and specials as well. People look for opportunities to get better deals and if a restaurant doesn’t have any specials to offer, they would prefer another restaurant to go to over another. Also, if people don’t know operating hours, they won’t know when they’re able to go.

To compare, I think my group’s website will become more successful than this one. We are going to have more tabs to navigate to find things easier and have the information restaurants want to see. We have our menu broken down into food, drinks, and specials. We also have an eClub to have special offers and another way to grow business. Our color scheme also is more appealing since it is a Pittsburgh themed restaurant with the colors of black and gold. Also, our design is more interesting because we aren’t slapping plain colors on and using a nice gray texture for the background.

Review 4 Lindsay Smith

For my final review, I chose a European Bistro called Euro Bistro.  They are located in Grand Rapids, Michigan. This restaurant would be competition for my groups restaurant because they serve the same type of foods.  Our restaurant is just a breakfast and lunch kind of restaurant. The Euro Bistro is the same as ours plus a dinner menu.  I believe that even though they have more than ours, I think our restaurant wouldn’t need the dinner menu, too.  I feel like our restaurant would be fine only serving breakfast and lunch. Their website is not what I would expect for a European Bistro.  It is just a black background with a rectangle horizontal in the middle of the screen.  The rectangle is cut in two evenly with a picture and the name on the left side and the tabs on the other side.  It is interesting to me that the pictures on the left side stay the same on every tab but the private parties.  I feel like it should change for everyone or none.  I do not like the layout of their site either.  The rectangle in the center seems too bland to me.  I feel like it should cover more of the page.  I think the color of the website suits the feel of the restaurant very well.  It is black with dark reds and oranges.  It sets the mood for the dinner feel of the restaurant.  I do not think that it suits the breakfast and lunch part of the restaurant though. I think that if the website included some lighter colors than all dark colors, it would make it work better for all of the food times. I believe that our color pallet suits our style of restaurant with breakfast and lunch items. The only texture that is on this website would be in the pictures.  I think that if this restaurant did want to keep the same look that they have with the black background and rectangle in the middle, adding a lacy texture to the black would look very nice.  Our restaurant doesn’t have much texture besides the pictures also.  We use the pictures as the background of our site with having the words or menu items in front of the picture.  The navigation for this website is simple.  There are tabs on the top of the rectangle.  You can click the tabs to go to the menu, location and hours, private parties and their story.  These different tabs are also accessible by swiping across the screen.  I believe that their effectiveness at guiding the user through the website is very good.  Our navigation is similar in its simplicity and usage.  Our tabs will stay on the top of the page at all times and they are basic blocks that stretch across the screen. I believe that it would have been hard to screw up the Euro Bistros guidance because of how simple the website is. All their is to do is click on the four tabs and click to see their different menus.  I believe that my groups website will stand out in comparison to restaurants like this one because our color scheme is bright and more appealing to the eye.  Also, we have a wide variety of different types of food from different  countries.  I think that our restaurant would go over very will if it was actually introduced into the market.

Review 3

No9Park has a very professional looking home page.  The layout of a website is extremely simple.  The top right corner of the page has flipping images of food and the restaurant.  On the left side of the page is the navigation.  The bottom of the page consists of location and reservations information.  Every page has an image that goes with the text below it.  The colors of the website are very pleasing to the eye.  There are different wrappers around each section on each page guiding your eye to each place.  When hovering over a clickable link the text gets underline.  The website as a whole is very balanced and has minimal noise.  Peter Allen’s Italian restaurant website is my favorite out of the two.  As it was stated in the reading, Krug outlines 5 things you can do to make sure users see and understand as much about your site as possible.  These 5 things include: 1.Creating a clear visual hierarchy on every page 2.Taking advantage of conventions (both naming and graphic) 3.Breaking pages into clearly defined areas 4.Making it obvious what constitutes a clickable link 5.Minimizing noise. In my opinion Peter Allen’s Italian restaurant website succeeds in all 5 of these admirations.  The first thing my eyes go to are the interactive images on every single page the website provides.  The background color of the home page is very relaxing and calm meanwhile cheese is falling from the top of the screen onto a delicious looking stack of noodles.  Even the way the restaurant and food offered is described sounds more enjoyable than No9 Park.  This much effort in a website hopefully means the food is unbelievably good!  This Italian restaurant website provides great use of hierarchy on every page.  The navigation is in smaller text but just off to the right of the name of the restaurant.  Other than the home page, the images on the top of every page are the exact same size including the name of the restaurant in the top left corner.  The site’s pages are divided into three sections which include navigation title in the first section, information about the chosen path, and the consistent hours and address information in the third section.  A red underline appears under any clickable link.  The layout is easy to navigate through and the interactive pictures are entertaining to watch over and over again.

Delaney Hoolahan Review #3

After reading through the book and coming across Krug’s five important things, I was able to then compare two restaurant sites, and, and take note of the balance, emphasis, unity, and layout.  Krug emphasizes the importance of creating clear visual hierarchies on every page, taking advantage of conventions, breaking pages into clearly defined areas, making clickable links obvious, and minimizing noise and distractions.  When visiting it was easy to see that this site had structure and organization.  Peterallen’s website displayed a strong emphasis on every page including a video featuring a food or drink item to catch your attention.  Every page had just enough information and no distractions or useless details.  The menu bar used underlines that would appear when you hover your mouse over a word, as well as highlighting the word in red making it easy to find my options and know when I was able to click it or not.  Having clean and crisp images with minimal text gives the site a nice balance as well as the color scheme throughout the entire site.  Not only is the layout clean, but it is easy to navigate, using only the necessary amount of buttons to make your way through their website without any trouble and a minimal amount of back and forth clicking.  Within every menu whether it be the drinks, dinners, or desserts, the page is clearly defined into different sections to make it easy for the viewer to narrow their search and save time.  Compared to Peterallen’s No.9 Park has a bit of a different layout but has some of the same balance and emphasis qualities.  Along the left side is a menu bar of clickable links that would navigate you to pages such as reservations, gift certificates, and private dining.  Like, No.9 Park uses Krug’s five important things to model their site, promoting their food selections through photographs that grab your attention at the top of the page.  Although the layout of the site seems clean with minimal noise, I found this site more difficult to navigate.  It was difficult to define different sections and areas as well as the text not being centered within the box.  The color scheme of this site was not as pleasing or attention grabbing as Peterallen’s.  However, the menus on this site, like the other, had little to no distraction and got right to the point.  The food item itself was listed on the page with a brief description to give the viewers a little more insight as to what the plate had to offer.  Overall I think Peterallen’s website is better in comparison to No.9 Park.  This site followed Krug’s five important things as well as having a stronger layout and better emphasis with the videos of every food and drink category.  This website caught my attention and was easy for me to navigate the entire way through.

Review #3

I decided to do my review on Outback Steakhouse and Burgatory. When I think about a restaurant website the first thing I think of is their menu. Well on both websites I had to look in the right corner or scroll over things to find the actual menu. Krug says to keep the noise down to a dull roar. To me it looks like both websites are shouting to show what their main food product is. I get the point of the website is to show what their food looks like without actually being in the restaurant but as a customer I can clearly see that Burgartoy sells burgers and Outback Steakhouse sells steaks. I did see that Burgatory show cased their “heavenly shakes” as well as their “helluva burgers”. Personally I would like to see both websites “show off” their other food products as well as their main product. The emphasis is definitely on their main product. Like I said early both websites show cases the main product as the first page when someone searches the website and then the menus and other important things are in another tab. Once I found out where the menus where located it was super easy to find out other foods they make. Krug also says to make it obvious what’s clickable. Outback uses underlying and colors, while Burgatory uses shapes, tabs, and color. Outback’s layout consist of having the right panel being bigger than the left panel. This creates a sense of balance because the items that are in the left panel co-exsist for what you press in the right panel by having big white text. Once I was looking through the website and click on a food item in the right panel a picture of it and a description popped up in the left panel. Burgatory uses the layout by having the important information in a middle panel, the menu on the right side, and less important things on both sides. This design also works well because it lets the viewer know that the most important thing that you are looking at is right in the center of the page. Overall I like Outback Steakhouse’s website better because of how they incorporated their food items in a simple non-noisy way.

Review 3 Jennifer Hoffman

The websites I chose were and Six Penn Kitchen. Starting with Peter Allen, the site was very easy to navigate and was nicely organized. In the book they talk about having broad headings that trickle down into more specific categories which is what Peter Allen does. Their headings include: Menu, Drinks, Reservations, Directions, and Contact Us. When you hover over Menu, it has a drop down that breaks the categories down into Lunch, Dinner, Dessert and Late Night. Which ever you click on takes you to that specific menu. But when looking at Six Penn Kitchen, instead of a drop down menu, when you click “Menu” it takes you to a menu where you can then narrow it down with a heading bar at the top. Both sights have great navigation located at the top of their sites, the headings are clear as to what their topic is about and when you hover over them, they make it clear what you are hovering over (changing color or underlining). They both have a place to reserve a table, with Peter Allen it is a separate tab, but with Six Penn Kitchen it is a link that sits above the navigation bar. Both sites have a nice navigation flow to them that leads you from one page to another. But looking at the bigger picture I think that Six Penn Kitchen has the better navigation because you have to click on the heading itself to find the smaller categories. I feel like that makes it easier to find things because you are already in the broad heading.

Website Review #3

For this website review, I chose Six Penn Kitchen and one of my personal favorite restaurants, The Interchange Lounge. As I explored each restaurant’s page, I could tell that Six Penn Kitchen definitely has a more professional and sophisticated website then Interchange Lounge. That is because of the bigger customer base as well as location. While Six Penn is located in the heart of Pittsburgh, the Interchange Lounge is located off of Route 51 on a side road. Six Penn’s website is balanced, clean, and sharp. The layout is great and definitely emphasizes the food as well as the location. The Interchange Lounge does a decent job at explaining what their restaurant is all about but it needs to be polished just a bit. According to Steve Krug’s “Don’t Make Me Think” a website should follow these five important concepts to make sure users see and understand the website as best as possible:

• Creating a clear visual hierarchy on every page

• Taking advantaged of conventions (both naming and graphic)

• Breaking pages into clear defined areas

• Making it obvious what constitutes a clickable link

• Minimizing noise

I believe that Six Penn Kitchen follow each concept well, where as the Interchange Lounge follows some but not all.

Six Penn Kitchen’s website it truly eye-catching with the graphics, photographs, typography, etc. One can definitely see the sense of hierarchy on the home page as well as every other page. Every page is unique and showcases it’s proper meaning. The noise level is extremely low which is fantastic for users. The nice white ribbon banner on the top is an awesome way of showing what it clickable link and what is not. The Interchange Lounge on the other hand needs some work. There really isn’t a sense of hierarchy or emphasis on any page. The images of the food need to be the prominent thing that users see and they just missed the mark. The layout is bland and does not distinguish each page. Every page has the same style and feels archaic. It is definitely a shame that the Interchange logo is not even clickable. The couple things they did manage to do alright is making the different selections clickable and stand out while minimizing noise.

Overall, Six Penn Kitchen’s website is great, stylish, and easy to explore while the Interchange Lounge has some ways to go to be of the same caliber as some of the most recognized restaurants in the Pittsburgh area.

Site Review #3

For our third site review, I will be analyzing Peter Allen’s Italian Restaurant’s website and Six Penn Kitchen’s website.

The first thing I noticed was how Peter Allen’s site adjusted to my browser window by using a different layout. Six Penn Kitchen made me have to scroll horizontally in order to see more of their information if my browser window was too small. So Peter Allen’s has an adjustable layout. Both sites utilize “persistent navigation”, which Krug describes as a “set of navigation elements that appears on every page.” They avoid the “happy talk” on their main home pages and stick to their message on each subpage such as dinner foods with their dinner page instead of being on their gallery page.

I noticed each site strives to have an image towards the top third of their web pages with information and links following afterwards meaning they have similar layouts. They tend to emphasize their product and service as well as the overall emotional feel they want their restaurant to portray to its customers. Personally, I feel that both sites are balanced when it comes to their imagery and information. They have clean navigation and they allow the user to “browse first or ask first” in Krug’s words. Each site gives the user freedom to explore, but also quickly find the information they are looking for. The unity is tied together by having their logo and “persistent navigation bar” on each page along with similar wireframes, color scheme, and typographic selections.

In contrast to the examples shown on page 62 of Steve Krug’s “Don’t Make Me Think–Revisited”, both sites would be considered easy to navigate and find information within a user’s first visit. In the figure shown on page 62, most sites require subsequent visits in order to memorize the paths to specific pages of information. However, each section is clearly labeled and has specific information pertaining to the labeled sections therefore making the sites user friendly.

As another observation, every page on both websites sticks to their overall message and identity. Krug talks about how people do not always enter a site through the home page anymore, which can tend to be a problem. In contrary, Peter Allen’s and Six Penn Kitchen successfully deliver their message and overall identity on every page while leaving their layouts clean with quick access to the homepage. No matter where a user enters the site, they know what site they are on.

I have a personal preference towards Peter Allen’s Restaurant because I feel like the information is not as concentrated and squished on their website. Their identity is brighter and more uplifting than Six Penn Kitchen’s identity appeal. I also like how their website is adaptable to the browser window, which is good for mobile phones and tablets.

–Katie Carlton

Site Review #3

For my third website review, I chose to compare the sites and Mad Both sites, upon visiting the homepages, are stylized with images and graphics as well as multiple textures. Both restaurants are dedicated to a more casual dining experience and at first glance their websites show that by not being too minimalistic or use too many “fancy” fonts that some more high-end restaurants use.
Burgatory makes it clear that they are a specialized burger place by having a large hamburger graphic at the forefront of their page. Burgatory differs from MadMex a lot in their use of navigation. In Burgatory’s case, their navigation is off to the right side of the page, and contains a drop down to certain categories, contrary to MadMex’s site, where they have a traditional horizontal navigation bar near the top of the page, but do not have any drop down menus.
I feel like Burgatory also has MadMex beat in balance qualities on their site, Burgatory has information stacked almost equally on their website, while MadMex has information leveled on one side of the site more than the other. One case of this imbalance is in the navigation bar at the top of MadMex’s site, where the left side is larger font than the right side of links. While this does use a little bit of emphasis to show that those are the most useful and used links, it looks a little odd.
Burgatory shows its emphasis on certain menu items by the “slideshow” of items (separated by burgers and shakes) on it’s front page. The large text it shows on top of the floating image, the emphasis is on their product and the name of a specific product, as well as the menu which is referenced when hovering over the image in different spots.
In the case of making links on their sites easy to find, both sites do a good job. MadMex has their links highlight with an underline to indicate it can be clicked, Burgatory has their links highlight in a different color when hovered on.
Both sites has a little problem with noise. MadMex’s site has an automatic slideshow showing different promotions and events at the restaurant, as well as a weird stack of links on the front page that is not organized into the top or bottom navigation bars of the site, and is visible before the introduction of the establishment. These things take away from the experience of the website and can disrupt the process of getting the wanted information from the site. If these links were put into the categories in the navigation bar at the top of the website, I think it would make the website a little easier to go through, as well as navigate to desired pages. As for the slideshow, making it click-through instead of automatic would be a little less distracting. Burgatory’s noise issue is just in top of their homepage, where their single burger/milkshake highlight slideshow is. In this part, the slideshow is bordered by both the logo and the navigation bar on both sides of it, as well as a gift card graphic/link right below the navigation bar on the right. With the buttons to go left or right in the sideshow so close to other links, I found that sometimes when looking at a menu item in the slideshow and going to the next one, I would be at the giftcard page because I accidentally clicked it instead of the “next” arrow.
Overall, I prefer to navigate through Burgatory’s website over MadMex’s website, Burgatory offers the eye a lot in terms of their design and graphics, as well as the organization of their information, which is easy to seek out and read. MadMex for the most part is clean, but with faults in terms of their organization of text, and their odd choice of link emphasis and the displacement of links.

Website Review #3

I chose to review and, which is where the link takes you. The No. 9 Park website is very clean and elegant, and it gives you the feeling that this is a very fancy restaurant. The color palette is simple, but the flat dark background and sophisticated light blue serif font work very well together. Overall the site is very well balanced, although the home page is a little odd for my taste. I wish the image on the top right were a little lower, and the text on the navigation bar on the left a bit higher. It seems like each of those elements are pushed too far to the top and bottom of the page. Everything on the page works well together and creates a nice sense of unity. I think there’s a bit too much emphasis on the images and not enough on the logo. I would make the images a little smaller so that the logo doesn’t compete for attention. The layout is very well done and easy to navigate. There is no unnecessary information or clutter. is very different. You immediately get the feeling that this restaurant is not as fancy or expensive as the first. The page is busier and is more colorful. The page is mostly consumed by a large animated gif that instantly draws your attention. On top of the image is a big chunk of text that you don’t really want to take the time to read. Their navigation is simple and effective. The site is relatively balanced, but it would be better if the logo were smaller or the image did not move. You aren’t sure where to look because of the animation and prominent logo on top of it. The site uses the principle of unity well, but when you scroll down to the bottom of the home page everything changes and it almost looks like another site. Like I said, there needs to be more emphasis on one element of the page and less on another. Their navigation is successful and easy to understand.

Krug stresses the important of creating a clear visual hierarchy. Both sites are decent at this but could use improvement because of the competition between the images and logos. Other than that, all of the elements have a clear hierarchy.

He also says to take advantage of conventions. Both sites do this. We have seen countless websites in these layouts before and they are nothing out of the ordinary. The user recognizes where things are and understands how the sites work.

Krug says to break pages into clearly defined areas. The No. 9 Park site is much better at this because it just has a simple navigation bar and an image on the right. On the other hand, the Peter Allens site is still broken down, but it is definitely more squished together than the first.

The next important thing is to make sure the user knows what is a clickable link. The user is sure that the No. 9 Park navigation links are clickable because there is not much else on the page to click, and it just seems like it would make sense. The Peter Allens site is pretty successful as well, and some of the links change color or produce a drop down menu when you hover over them.

Finally, Krug says to minimize noise. The No. 9 Park site is better at this because of its incredibly clean design. They only included what is absolutely necessary, and the colors and even lack of textures contribute to this. The Peter Allens site is noiser and busier and could use some cleaning up. But maybe their site works for the “image” they want to achieve as a less fancy, less expensive restaurant.

The No. 9 Park site is more effective in my opinion. Although the Peter Allens site is busier and may be more attention grabbing to some, to me the elegant minimalism of the first site attracts me most.

Review 3

The two websites I compared were Burgatory and BRGR, both are burger restaurants in the Pittsburgh area. The Burgatory web site is straighter forward, where I think the BRGR web site could be a little confusing. Burgatory’s balance is strange because with the sky and grass in the background, it seems symmetrical at first, but with the restaurant logo and burger and shake images on the left side and on the other side is the navigation tabs, it makes the design look more asymmetrical. This applies to the home page and the submenus. BRGR’s is asymmetrical because of the grainy orange background and all the tabs have pictures when you click on them. For unity, I think Burgatory’s website is kind of crammed with a bunch of things on the home page, but I think it’s enough information that is still appealing to a viewer where as BRGR, I think there’s too many tabs on the homepage making it confusing to search for what you are looking for.

I like how Burgatory emphasis’s the theme of the restaurant making it look like purgatory. But something I think that stands out as far as elements for the restaurant, I like how they have the big burger in the middle of the page where you can click the arrows to see their popular items for the time, which is effective for advertising. What is also unique about that is when u put your cursor on the burger, it shows additional information as well. BRGR, however, they have a really small slideshow at the bottom of the page where you have to scroll down to and it doesn’t really stand out which I don’t find effective because viewers want to see that stuff as soon as they open up the home page. When I first opened the site, there was nothing that stood out to me. Burgatory also has a good layout with everything being right there as soon as you open the website and easy to navigate to find what you’re looking for. BRGR though as I said before, has too much information on the home page and doesn’t really have an appealing layout.

Steve Krug mentions five things that makes a web site easy to understand for users. First is clear visual hierarchy. Burgatory’s is very successful in its design and straight to the point. It sets the theme, but it also elements that stand out to you where BRGR is too plain and doesn’t have anything that stands out as soon as you open the page. The same applies to graphics as well and titles. Burgatory’s also breaks down the different pages well but also on the home page doesn’t have too many options yet where BRGR has so many options on the first page. An example would be having a different tab for food and drink or news and team. Some of these things should be under the same tab then broken up more under that page. If it’s on the home page, it would make the user think more than they need to. Both of these sites though have obvious buttons for clickable links so nothing really blends in. All of this put together explains the noise for each website. Everything you need to know for Burgatory is rite there broken into simplest terms, where BRGR has too much noise on its site.

It’s obvious at this point that I think Burgatory’s web site is better than BRGR’s. Burgatory has a good system breaking down the information you need to know advertising its latest products and specials on the home page and not too many tabs. You can’t have two things on the homepage that could mean the same thing, which BRGR does and viewers won’t be sure at first where to look to find what they’re looking for, hence the goal for a web site is clearly stated on the name of the book Don’t Make Me Think.

Review 3

The websites for Six Penn Kitchen and Peter Allen’s are both very interesting websites. They both feature photos as their main focus of the hierarchy of the website. They both balance text and images on each page of the website. Though on Peter Allen’s the image is so dominant I over look some of the other aspects of the page like the navigation on the top, but as you scroll down the page a larger home navigation follows you down and has a drop shadow which makes the text hard to read. The main emphasis on every page is the image which has a movement involved like cheese falling onto pasta. As a whole the entire site is unified with the same layout on every page which is easy to navigate. On the Six Penn Kitchen site the nav bar does not move with the scroll which I do not mind the pages are set up almost always with an image and use a white or green text on a black background. The lay out of each page differs depending on the content, as in there is no images on the menu page and on the news and events page, each event has its own space paired with an image going down the page. As far as unity for Six Penn Kitchen, the entire site has a theme and every page matches that theme with out having the exact same layout on every page making it more interesting and less predictable. Peter Allen’s page really grabbed my attention at first with it’s large moving image but as I navigated through the page I got annoyed with the drop down nav bar that followed you down the page and the menu page did not give you a menu but more links which seems like a good idea but really was more work than it needed to be. Six Penn Kitchen was also interesting and with the dynamic layouts through out the site I felt it was a more interesting and better done site than just show casing a moving photo. The navigation was nice and mindless like in Krug mentions in Don’t Make Me Think. Every link I clicked on took me right to where I expected it to and not more unnecessary links. But at times the site for Six Penn Kitchen did seem a little wordy while Peter Allen was more image than words, Krug mentions how omiting needless words is a better design choice. But also Peter Allen’s had to much going on with the images and as stated in the book making the images create to much noise and is distracting from the actual site. Both sites have interesting aspects I feel Six Penn Kitchen meat most of Krugs ideals.