Reflection week 2

The two games we played in class this week were Gloom Munchkin and Dominion. Playing Gloom Munchkin didn’t exactly make me feel gloomy. But now I see why it is called gloom. Because you have to kill off your own characters and who ever kills off all their characters first basically wins, unless you do not have as many points as someone else. From what we learned, is that you should not kill off all your players so soon. If you keep adding up your points first, then killing them, you will have a better chance at winning than someone who kills all their characters first. Because if the first thing you do is kill them, you might not have that many points. So, it’s a game of strategy and skill. You must pay close attention to what everyone else is playing so you do not make any mistakes. Sometimes it’s just luck of the draw and you end up making a mistake because someone picked up a new card that ruined your plans. But in the end, everyone has a gloomy day because they just killed off their own characters for their own self benefit to win a game. We were able to play this game a couple times because our first round went too fast because we all played cards that ended the game sooner and we didn’t have that high of scores. In the game Dominion, you must dominate and own everything. This is a super long game we only got to play for what seemed to be like 30 minutes. As soon as we all started to pick up on the logistics of the game, class was over! I think we made it into phase 2 of the game by that point because we were out of one deck of cards, and we all were starting to buy points and more gold and the higher-ranking cards. I do want to know what it would be like at the end of this game because it is all about how you play the 5 cards you have in your hand and if you play them right you will have a good chance that turn.