- Question Set 1
- What Mechanics would you like to use for a game with a theme that revolves around being the size of a nanometer?
Large jumps like a flee, being able to Cary things larger than you, being able to be picked up by the wind.
2. Who are you making games for?
People like me. people who want a layer back game with no overly complicated rule sets but really nice art and visuals to make the game fun to keep coming back to.
3. Who will be your play testers outside of class?
My friends and if i have time to go home my younger brother definitely.
- Question Set 2
- Can you think of a game you were able to play without referring to the rules?
uno, war, games like Minecraft and slime ranchers or other games where the rules aren’t written you just come acrost what you can and cant do.
- How do you define what a game is?
a game is an experience that has rules and a desired outcome/ way to win.
- Question Set 3
- What was your gateway game? What do you play to introduce others to gaming?
i really cant remember my gate way game, most likely it was one of the games on my leap frog but wears my water and a tinker bell game were some of the first mobile games i ever had/ remember. Mario cart is one game i feel like can be very helpful to start with, it can take time to understand all of the controls but their are ways to minimize what someone has to remember. that i one of the games my brother played to start onto video games, i feel like games similar to uno or go fish are good starting games for card games.
- What features do gateway games share?
simplicity in rules and straight forward gameplay.
- How does luck and strategy factor in to game play?
some card games are very luck based because you relay on what cards you end up pulling out of a deck, but they are also strategy because you have to understand how to use your cards in the most beneficial way. many games relay on strategy, if you don’t have some basic stratigay for how you want to even if its as simple as knowing the way to win. but their is also strategy in button mashing, cuse subconsciously you learn what buttons are most likely to get you where you need. you can also be so good at timing and still need.`
Being able to be picked up by the wind for a nanometer-sized game is a great mechanic that I didn’t think of
I can stand on the point that eventually Minecraft is a game that’s rules don’t really need to be consulted. Minecraft is such a simple, popular game that eventually people stop forgetting about the rules.