Looping Narrative- The Guessing game

IDEA- So my original idea for this project was to do room drawings in a 3 point perspective and then have a window and have it changing from night to day. However I wanted to build open that and also make moving pictures frames so that each day the window tirns into a moving picture frame and by night it goes back to be a normal window. I wanted the frames to be like a tomb stone with text to make it seem mysterious

Then a week before Thankgiving Break I decided to completely change my story to be about a Turlte looking for his friend Giraffe. I decided that I didn’t like the hand drawn post anymore and that I wanted to try a digital approach.

However, the world always loves to throw me curve balls, so basically I planned to finish this project over Thankgiving Break. However the first half of Break I had straight migrianes and little did Iknow that was the begining of me having the flu for the rest of break and the week after. So to say the least I wasn’t able to work on anything. So with everything considered I decied to go back to the hand drawing since I pretty much had it done when I decided to get rif of it. I still will include what I had done of the Turtle story In another post as well as the storyboard that says what else I plan on doing with it.

Here is the Story Board for the Mystery Frames.

Here Is looping Narrative-The Guessing Game

Bedroom with Day to Night Changing Windows