Interactive Poster- Movie Theatre

IDEA- The original Idea I had was to have an interactive movie theatre where the viewer picks the outcome of the show, that is still kind of the case but it Just doesn’t go that far into specfic details but rather just asks a simple yes or no and then the journey begins. Pick “Yes” by selecting the check mark and the game begins, click on “No” and the game ends.

Here is my story board in which shows the idea for. the flow of the interactive animation.

Here are all the scenes in Larger view:

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Scene 4 Pedals
Scene 5 What it looks like if you hit NO
Poster for advertisement for Theatre.

Screen Recording from Aero-3D Animated Poster

Code to acess Poaster

Here is a Screen Recording of the Interactive Theatre in Aero. The recording shows what happens when you chose either “Yes or “No”.

Here is the Code for Acess to the Aero Interactive Theatre.