Starting Roots- Updated Game Rules

Materials- 4 Garden beds, 38 material cards, 67 plant cards, 40 plant models, 42 customer cards, 100 bills, 30 sun ships, 30 water chips, and 30 fertilizer chips.  

Set up – To start every player will get a plant bed, 4 plant cards, 4 material cards, 2 sun chips, 2 water chips, and 2 fertilizer chips. The player will then lay out their plant cards in front of them, face up and keep the material cards in hand hiding from the other players. You will also place 2 customer cards of each difficulty face-up in the middle of everyone and separate all the plant models. 

Starting the game- The player who bought a plant the most recently will start first. Each card will have specific rules to fully grow the plant to be able to put into their shop. At the start of your turn, you will pick up one material card and 2 of any chips. You can only grow up to two plants per turn and sell to one customer per turn, unless a material card states otherwise.   

Garden Beds- Each shop can hold up to 8 plants at a time.

Material cards- These cards can give you water, sun, or fertilizer. You can also receive “power-ups” that may assist you in growing and selling your plants.

Plant cards- These cards will show you what species they are and a picture of the plant. At the bottom of the card, it will show what it requires to grow. For example, it may need sun, water, and fertilizer or it could be sun, sun, and water. Once you have all the required things to grow your plant you can now grab a plant model and put it into your shop.  

Customer cards-  Each customer card has a level of difficulty to it. Easy, medium, and hard, and each of those cards will be worth the money. Each card will show the required plants you need to be allowed to sell to them. An easy card might have an aloe plant and is worth $10. Whereas a hard difficulty will have 3 plants that are hard to grow but it will be worth $25.

To win the game- The first person to get $100 will win the game. 

Steal a plant- If you get a “steal a plant” card, you can keep that card as long as you like and use it on your turn. When you steal a plant the plant has to be in the player’s shop. 

Plants died- If you get this card you must play it immediately. The only plants that will die are the ones in your shop. If you have none in your shop you can discard this card. 

Robbed card- If you get robbed, all the plants in your shop will be gone. Not any plants that are still growing. 

Switch plants- If you get a switch plants card you can play this on any of your turns and you can switch any plants whether it’s in the shop or still growing. 

Superfoods- With this card, you can fully grow a plant with one of these cards.

Flood card- This card must be played immediately and affects every player. When this is played you must lose two plants that are in the players shop. 

Mega buy- A mega buy card is a big buyer and will purchase 3 of any plants from your shop. If you don’t have three plants it will buy what you have.