After the final day of class, there are still things I hope to improve, or wanted to do that I didn’t get around to doing. My initial idea for a ruleset was to provide the players with a better experience via a video version of the game being played. They would open the card game box, and on the inside of the box would be a QR-code that they could scan and watch a video on the rules of BrainyAct, rather than reading through a bunch of boring words. Also, the final version of the cards came out pretty well, but two things I wanted to change. One was the finish on the cards, or the physical feel of them. I wanted them to be heavier, and almost metallic which I can still do. And second, I wanted to take the feedback from my testers and expand on the design of the card on the front of the card where the question is. I think I can still work on this; I can definitely see this game being played by people around the world.