A whole bunch-a game ideas I have

Week 1

5 game ideas that can take place on campus

  • Giant Operation on the front lawn with comically large tweezers. Parts are placed in roped off sections that cannot be touched. Would be cool to record a birds eye of the game with a drone
  • Push your luck mechanic scoring lawn darts. In the late game, you have to be precise with what you hit because getting too many points can have adverse consequences
  • Team route building with people as the play pieces in the Rec Center gymnasium
  • Whack-a-mole with the campus groundhogs: self explanatory
  • Tucci simulator: Orienteering race but the control points are the black metal trash cans across campus and you must stop and say hello to every person that you see as well as say one nice thing about them or the day etc

Week 2

5 game ideas that can be played using cards

  • Raid Boss: 50/25/25 (1v2) with a wager mechanic
  • Deduction (one secret card, taking turns playing one card and if any attribute overlaps with your card you must state what it is. Maybe played with a deck of card numbers ,1-5? Hand size of 3?)
  • You don’t know your 3 cards but your opponent does. If you play a card that is within 1 on either side your opponent can call it out and blow up that card. First person to lose all three of their cards loses
  • Divided: Collect more pairs than your opponent as fast as you can over the course of 5 rounds. A pair consists of two cards that are cleanly divisible (eg. 3/9, 10/10, A/7). Aces are worth 1 and any card is divisible by it (Wild card)
  • 2 players divide the deck and have some number cards randomly placed in front of them. They take turns drawing off of their own deck to place cards on neighboring cards. If they can’t play a card, it is reshuffled into their deck, and the first player to empty their entire deck wins

Week 3

5 game ideas that involve collaboration use the following format : [Game name] is a [category of] game in which [the players or their avatars] [do or compete or collaborate for some goal] by [using tools the game provides them].

  • “Deduction” is a card game in which players must figure out the card that they have in front of them using clues provided by cards played by other players
  • “Agnej” is a dexterity game in which players must stack Jenga pieces in various orientations to score points using only one hand each
  • “Lockout” is a point to point movement game in which players navigate turning layers of an onion gameboard by rolling different dice and rotating the layers to benefit themselves or their teammate, while potentially sabotaging opposing team players
  • “Trains, Planes, and Funiculars” is an engine building game in which players maneuver a landscape while building out various modes of transit
  • “Ambitions as a Writer” is a storytelling game in which players improvise the details of a story based on a random prompt. Cards are drawn that give additional elements that players must respond to

Week 4

5 game ideas that revolve around a theme of of your choice (timed turn)

  • Countermand: Spin poker chip, flip cards, first player to have control of the whole board wins
  • Runaway: speed based hand management where players must make snap decisions of what to add or discard. Themed based on a runaway train that has limited time before it reaches a catastrophic end. The player that collects all of their necessary set stops their train
  • Custom speed chess timer which has 30 seconds counting down in the actuated direction and up from 30 in the opposing direction (the time on both sides will always add up to 1 minute, however after some turns it may be at a 15/45 second split, etc). When the clock is clicked, that player draws a card that says something that they must draw to add to their composition. As such, there is a compounding effect of completing a turn quickly vs taking longer. If either player’s clock gets to zero the game ends and the players evaluate their compositions
  • Players compete to stack various shaped wooden blocks as high as possible within a short amount of time. Each round is worth a set amount of points and the rounds get shorter as the game progresses
  • Players progress around a circular game board in the shape of a clock with individual LEDs that highlight the sections. Different actions can be taken if a player is in a zone that is currently active but they must stop when the lights change color. Different colors also impact the actions that a player may chose to do

Week 5

 5 game ideas that revolve around the theme of collecting

  • Inflation: you have buying power but every turn the cost of actions increases
  • Battalion: progress the board to collect units that will do battle later in the game
  • Dice building game: progressively gain more dice in your arsenal and roll all of them to determine your capabilities on a given turn. Rolling 1’s on any of the dice has a special effect
  • Robot building: assembling pieces of a giant robot mech (like Voltron)
  • Fish collecting game with the objective of assembling the coolest aquarium – basically the best part of Animal Crossing but as a standalone 30 minute board game

One Reply to “A whole bunch-a game ideas I have”

  1. I like the idea of a dice building game. I think that there are a lot of D&D players that would love to use their dice collections for something like that. Also I’m picturing all the ‘limited edition’ dice that you could sell with the game.

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