Week 5-Game Ideas

  1. “Potted” everyone picks a pot to play as and has to go around the board and collect their specific petals as fast as they can. 
  2. In “Crystal Mayhem” every player gets a sheet of crystals to collect and they have to go through different caves and find them. 
  3. In “Mixology” every player gets drink menu cards and has to collect the ingredients the fastest, whoever gets 10 drinks made wins. 
  4. “Traffic Cone” each player has to collect traffic cones that are placed around the board by stacking them on top of the player’s pawn, however, if any fall at any point you lose those cones. 
  5. “Brain cell” is a memory game and the more pairs of cards you can collect and put together the more brain cells you get, player with the most pairs win. 

One Reply to “Week 5-Game Ideas”

  1. Traffic Cone sounds like it would be fun. there could be a way to take cones form other players or get the ones that fell off the other players pawns.

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