Collaboration Game Ideas

  1. Stranded – 2 or more teams of people who have never operated a sail boat before race to get their sail boat operational and reach the other side of a lake before the other teams.
  2. Disasters – collaborative card game in which the players work together to manage themselves and their teammates needs/objectives and must complete a task relating to the disaster.
  3. RC Madness – a physically-oriented game in which the players have their own RC controller that controls only 1 part of the car, players have to navigate a course.
  4. 8 Ball Sinker – a pool table game where players try to maintain a streak of sinking pool balls first try in order to try to set new records
  5. Garbo-be-Gone – Teams work together to collect as much garbage as possible in public spaces

One Reply to “Collaboration Game Ideas”

  1. For Stranded, I think it would be cool to be able to pick up different parts of the boat to put together. Maybe each player can only be in a certain part of the ship/island, and must trade/cooperate to get all the pieces where they need to go.

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