- Relic Chase is a game about archaeology where the objective is to collect as many relics as you can. The game will be played on a board, and players will roll a ten-sided, relic themed die to progress. Instead of spaces one and ten, there will be an ankh symbol and an omega symbol, respectively. If the die rolls on an ankh symbol, the player will draw from a pile of ankh cards, which can have blessings ranging from another relic to a a one time reroll, or curses that can subtract from die rolls or even cancel out the next turn entirely. If the die lands on an omega, then an omega card is drawn, which has a piece of trivia on it. The player who rolled the die reads the question, and if a player gets the question right, they receive the reward listed on the omega card. On the board, there are also omega spaces, ankh spaces, and relic spaces interspersed. If a player lands on a relic space, they have to answer a riddle, and if they succeed, they get one relic. The game ends when the first player reaches the final space, but the player with the most relics is the winner.
- Space Race is a game about beating your opponents to the moon. Players will need to collect parts for their rocket and fly it to the moon to complete the game. The game will involve going through each stage of production and choosing which versions of parts they want to research and build. Some will be better but will be harder to research. Finally, they will have a race to the moon based on their finished ship. The winner is the one to finally land and plant their flag on luna.
- Empire is a game about building an empire where your objective is to conquer your enemies. Each player will start with a small castle and two villagers, and each turn can choose construction, training, or exploring. Construction will allow them to build new fortifications such as walls, barracks, and buildings such as taverns. Training will allow them to get more soldiers or villagers. Exploring will give them more space for their kingdom to build on. The catch is that the game has a limited amount of space, and once explorers have reached this total, no more exploring can be done. In addition, each action requires money, which can be taxed from villagers. To train villagers, players need to build taverns for them to live in, and to train soldiers, players need to build barracks. Once the board is completely explored, players will need to conquer rival kingdoms with soldiers in order to expand. Any buildings on a space will be taken when that space is conquered, and any units that were assigned there will be captured if they were villagers and lost if they were soldiers. This makes the layout of a kingdom important. Walls will slow down soldiers, or can have soldiers assigned to them to fight against invaders. When soldiers meet, the player rolls one two-sided die for each in the group, or one twelve sided die for every five if applicable. The player with the higher total will win combat, and the loser’s soldiers will be cut by the difference of the two totals and they will be sent back two spaces. The game ends when one player has conquered all other players, meaning there is no real way for them to fight back.
- Reaper is a game about collecting lost souls where the objective is to take more to the afterlife than your rival reapers(players). The game will start with a board, with 5 lost souls for each player dispersed over it. There will also be 2 ancient lost souls, which are worth 5 lost souls each and are always in the center of the map. Each turn, a reaper will draw up to a maximum of 5 cards in their hand from the reaper’s toolbox, a deck of cards with powerups. They can play move cards, weapon cards, and enchantments. Move cards do exactly what they say. They allow a reaper to move that many spaces. If a player does not have any move cards, they can move by default one space in any direction. Weapon cards act as a reaper’s soul collector. Weapon cards are permanent until replaced, and a Reaper can only have one weapon card active at a time. Some weapon cards allow the player to carry more souls, and some allow them to collect souls from a longer reach. A reaper at the beginning of the game can carry two lost souls at a time, and can only collect souls within moving distance. Enchantment cards are temporary powerups to a Reaper’s scythe. They can boost reaping distance, soul capacity, or have other effects, but only last a limited number of turns. To collect the souls in a Reaper’s soul pouch, the reaper must take them back to one of the banks in the corners of the map. Once banked, those souls are permanently added to that Reaper’s stash. Reapers can steal souls from each other, but only if they can move more than one space past the other player’s position. In other words, after the move is done, there must be at least one space between the two reapers. The game ends when all the souls have been collected, and the winner is the one with the most.
- Crypt is a co-operative game about dungeon delving where the goal is to collect a treasure at the deepest part of an ancient ruin. A dnd-lite style game, each player will choose a hero at the beginning of the game, and the team will move through various randomly selected rooms. Each room will have a boss, and the team will need to work together to defeat them. They win if they reach the final room and collect the relic, but they lose if they are all defeated.
3 Replies to “Game Ideas: Collection theme”
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I really like Relic Chase because of how in depth it is. I think it would be really hard to get tired of this game because of how much there is going on (in a good way). I especially like the customized die used, which sets this game apart from others.
Crypt could be an interesting game and a good way for players to try something like DnD for the first time in a more structured simplified format, or if they wanted to play without a DM. The rules for the game seem like they’d have to be fairly extensive to cover everything.
Reaper stands out to me. The mix of chase and battle to collect lost souls is interesting, feels a bit like the anime Bleach and their Soul Reapers. This makes me wonder are your reapers all the same, or would they have unique abilities?