Loss Games- Madisyn Kovach

  1. Help, We’re Lost! (Inspired by Birdbox)

This will be a board game will need to be played by at least six people. The board will be set up as a forrest. In this forest, there will be several things like trees, lakes, and even ditches. Each player will roll two dice. What ever number the player gets is how many spaces they will be allowed to move. Even though this seems fun people might be come into contact with things such as ditches or even coyotes. The spin of this game is only one player will only be able to see what everyone is doing. The other players will need to be guided by the one player that is able to see.

2. Wandering

This will be an VR game. When placing the VR headset on, you will get five hints to something you should be looking for. After every hint, you will get a notification to see if you are close to the object or far away from the object. During this game, you will get to experience a new reality while searching for something new. If you do not find what is trying to be found, you will lose a heart (you have a total of 5). If you lose all five hearts, you lose.

3. Lost in the Rules

This is a card game. During this game, a deck of cards will be laid out in front of everyone. On each card will be a new rule. Some involving new things, others discarding previous rules. While playing, you will read the rule out to the audience and then lay in face down in a discard pile. You will have to follow each of the new rules during the whole game. The first person to mess up, loses.

4. The Strays

A card game that involves two sets of decks of cards (10 cards in one deck and only 11 in the other deck). This will only involve 2 people. One deck of cards will involve personality traits and the other deck will involve a photo of a person. You will need to try to match the 10 personalities to the 11 cards offered. When finishing the game, there will be one stray card. You will be playing to try to figure out how the person you are playing the game with would match the cards. The goal is to try to end up with the same amount of matches and the same stray card.

5. Forgotten Hits

This is a card game. This card game will be played with a group of 6 or more people. There will be four decks of cards. Each deck of cards will have several 70’s, 80’s, 90’s, and 00’s lost slang terms, songs, fashion, tv shows, and hairstyles on them. Each card will have a picture of that certain song lyric, outfit, etc and you will try to work together with your group to try and remember the forgotten hit. If you do forget and would like to know, a cheat sheet will come in the box to help spark you and your friends memory. There will be no winner or loser in this game.

One Reply to “Loss Games- Madisyn Kovach”

  1. Help, We’re Lost is compelling as allowing only one or two players to see the board and act as guides lends itself to amusing collaborative play. I’d be curious to see what rules the guides play by vs those that are lost.

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