Jackbox review Zeeple Dome

I have played many jackbox games over the years, and for the most part I enjoyed the majority of the games and think that they are well made, both from a artistic and technical standpoint. Sadly, Zeeple Dome is not as polished as the other games Jackbox has made. This is both due to the game itself, as well as the technical issues surrounding it. For starters zeeple Dome requires you to essentially aim your character in the right direction. While this would feasibly be a good mechanic when you are physically in front of the screen, when online the input delay is large enough that aiming resorts to aiming in the general direction and just hoping that your character will hit the enemy. Another aspect of the game that isnt really well explained are the enemies. Usually with jackbox tutorials they give you a good understanding of how the game works, while still keeping it simple and easy to understand. Zeeple Dome doesnt even explain the mechanics of the game, ESPECIALLY how the enemies work. In fact I didnt even know we had to hit the enemies specifically when they light up with our characters colors, until Tasia said so in the chat around 15 minutes in. Normally I think that the player could figure these things out on their own, but there are so many characters and particles bouncing around everywhere that analyzing what happens when you hit an enemy is unlikely. Overall, Zeeple Dome has fun mechanics that theoretically would result in a fun game, but the lack of explanation of how the game works, as well as the frustrating delay in the controls results in a unfun experience.