I am Subzero is a storefront ice cream parlor located in the United Kingdom. They have been making ice cream for over fifty years and offer over sixty flavors of ice cream. They have a single-page website for their business. In some situations, a single page website may be boring or include too much information, but surprisingly, it worked extremely well for I am Subzero’s needs. The sites’ use of color, texture, and page layout makes this a captivating and appealing design.
When looking at the website, it is easy to see and comprehend all of the content on the page. Some design elements that contribute to the clean aesthetic are the font size, the use of negative space around the content, bold headers, hierarchy, and colors that help define buttons and important information.
The first panel invites the user to scroll down by using a vibrant pink circle with minimal text and an arrow pointing downward. This makes it clear to the user that the website utilizes a top to bottom scroll direction. While you are scrolling, there are dividers to indicate the start of a new section of content. Intuitively, the website designer used dividers that represented scoops of ice cream. Also, instead of a harsh line for a divider, a more organic wavy line was used. In my opinion, this gave the impression of melted ice cream dripping down the screen which again, invites you to scroll further down the page.
However, I found some of the more subtle features of the site the most interesting. The navigation bar is black but fades in opacity, which makes the bar less of a distraction while scrolling through the page and also leaves the page looking more friendly because it is not a harsh line. Also contributing to the friendliness of the site is the colors. There are many fun, bright colors on the page, making the page look vibrant and young. To balance out the flat colors, a texture that appears to represent sprinkles is used throughout.
Overall, the website is very easy for users to navigate because of the clean and innovative position of the content. While using bright colors and subtle animations, the site maintains a professional feel overall. The colors and textures are brilliantly balanced throughout, which makes for a lovely overall experience.
Welcome to the Magical World of Subzero Ice Cream. (n.d.). Retrieved June 29, 2019, from https://iamsubzero.com/