Madisyn Kovach Review #2

Madisyn Kovach


Review #2

February 26, 2019

Review 2:

I looked at several of website but the one that really stood out to me was The site used a beautiful dark blue and yellow that just really catches your eye.  I also saw that they used the color white. You do not see that often. I also really enjoyed looking at the texture. The texture included yellow stars with a low opacity. I liked that the opacity was low because it made you look longer to see what the background included.  I also chose this site because it was easy navigation. Scrolling up and down is simple but I feel like it is the best decision because that’s what people expect. On of the other websites I looked at scrolled left to right and it took me more than three minutes to figure it out.  You want the viewers to be able to use your website and not get confused. I also love the text used. Even though it is a fancier kind of font it is still easy to read. There are several elements that make the site easy to scan, read, and understand content. The headings are bolded which makes it very easy to read.  I feel like this site’s design is very well. Color is really important when I am designing. So, in my opinion this website has a really good color combination, as well as amazing images with movement on the page. This is why I decided to choose as my favorite website.