Objectified Response

Objectified is a documentary that observes the relationships people have with manufactured objects, how they create them and the backgrounds of the people who design the objects. The documentary takes us through the steps of the designers and how they creatively try to re-invent their designs.
From the statements I wrote down, I think I agree with most of them, the biggest one being “good design is easy to use”. In my opinion, if something is designed to make you think too much or you can barely figure out, no one is going to want to use it. In the documentary another designer said, “design is to make people feel good”, and like I said before, if a design is hard to use, no one is going to use it if they can’t figure it out.
A statement that made me kind of change how I think about design is “design can have a different meaning in other countries or cultures”. I never really thought about factoring in other countries beliefs and I now realize that you must be cautious about that, especially if you’re designing for someone internationally.
I would define design as coming up with an idea to make something better, it changed after watching objectified because I realized how much time, effort and creative thinking you need to do.