Review #4

For my final review, I chose a website that could be considered as competition for my group and I’s fusion restaurant MASHED. The website I chose was Honey Grow. Their website uses a grid layout for pictures, which my group and I thought was interesting but also very busy. When creating our own fusion restaurant website we wanted it to be minimal but on the contrary, detailed.The colors of the Honey Grow website are very bright and colorful as opposed to our website which we chose a color scheme for which can be described as neutral with a pop of color. The navigation of the Honey Grow’s website is at the top but can also be accessed by clicking on some of the pictures. In my opinion its a nice option but its still very busy. Aspects of the Honey Grow website that I enjoyed the most was their blog page, and they had social media icons at the top of the page as well for easy access. I also appreciate all of the pages separately. I think the the type is consistent throughout the website and the page layout of a photo, text, photo, text is really nice. The only problem I have with their site is their homepage. I think They could still have the same pictures with a better effect if they had it in a slideshow form or maybe even a video. The photos are all very strong and I think they should all be showcased evenly, if not they are overlooked and the user may not know where to go firsts because they are so overwhelmed. I think that MASHED and Honey GRow have the same idea as far as the customization of food.I think that our homepage is more welcoming than Honey grow’s because it is not as busy. Our layout and color scheme has a different feel as well, but we draw the users into the store by sharing events and introducing them to our team.They have a “Buy gift cards” section but we are going further than gift cards because MASHED will soon offer Merchandise. I think our idea and content go well together and will be able to surpass the competition of HOney Grow. The only other thing that I wish that we would have included would have been a Blog page, I think our followers and potential new customers would enjoy that and get a better feel for what our company is all about.