Review #4

For my final review, I chose a website that could be considered as competition for my group and I’s fusion restaurant MASHED. The website I chose was Honey Grow. Their website uses a grid layout for pictures, which my group and I thought was interesting but also very busy. When creating our own fusion restaurant website we wanted it to be minimal but on the contrary, detailed.The colors of the Honey Grow website are very bright and colorful as opposed to our website which we chose a color scheme for which can be described as neutral with a pop of color. The navigation of the Honey Grow’s website is at the top but can also be accessed by clicking on some of the pictures. In my opinion its a nice option but its still very busy. Aspects of the Honey Grow website that I enjoyed the most was their blog page, and they had social media icons at the top of the page as well for easy access. I also appreciate all of the pages separately. I think the the type is consistent throughout the website and the page layout of a photo, text, photo, text is really nice. The only problem I have with their site is their homepage. I think They could still have the same pictures with a better effect if they had it in a slideshow form or maybe even a video. The photos are all very strong and I think they should all be showcased evenly, if not they are overlooked and the user may not know where to go firsts because they are so overwhelmed. I think that MASHED and Honey GRow have the same idea as far as the customization of food.I think that our homepage is more welcoming than Honey grow’s because it is not as busy. Our layout and color scheme has a different feel as well, but we draw the users into the store by sharing events and introducing them to our team.They have a “Buy gift cards” section but we are going further than gift cards because MASHED will soon offer Merchandise. I think our idea and content go well together and will be able to surpass the competition of HOney Grow. The only other thing that I wish that we would have included would have been a Blog page, I think our followers and potential new customers would enjoy that and get a better feel for what our company is all about.


Review #3

In the comparison of Six Penn Kitchen, and No.9 Park they both use balance differently. Six Penn kitchen’s website is centered in the middle of the page. While No. 9 Park’s uses the whole page, with the use of pictures and type everything seems very minimalistic and easy to read. I do not like the font type used on Six Penn’s website, it’s large and aggressive, and is not consistent throughout the site. I love the No.9 Park’s theme and aesthetic. The page is easy to navigate, and even the menu is on the first page.Six Penn’s was literally one page. I am not sure if something was wrong with their site but there was nothing for me to click on.For me the focus was on the type , not the photos of the food, which shouldn’t be the case. The photography on the No.9 Park is very good, appetizing too. It’s clean an sophisticated. I think that it follows all of  the rules of  Krug’s five important “things” which  make users see and understand the site. Six Penn Kitchen’s site, was boring and did not grab my attention at all.

Review #2

For this month’s review, I chose a single page site that has been highlighted on The site is called Photoshop for designers that don’t use photoshop, which I thought was a funny and clever name. The layout and color used on the site reminded me a lot of the Adobe/ creative cloud emails that I receive regularly.The contrast between the black , white, and accent color is also aesthetically pleasing. The site really does not use any texture.To navigate from one section to the next the user must simply scroll up and down, the content is separated by colors. I really think that the colors play a big part of the readability as well as the contrasted typeface, and the simplicity of the whole site.The bottom of the site also includes a coming soon list, and although it is a bit long it is nice to see what is coming. This feature also keeps the user coming back for more.


Krista Johnson

Intro to Web Design

Review #1



The e-commerce site I chose was When you first enter the site there is a homepage displaying all of the sales currently going on. I clicked on a picture which brought me deeper into the site. I clicked on the heels section in the now visible menu bar and it took me to a long page with different heels to choose from. I chose a pair and then I was directed to a page that had just that heel on it , the close up pictures , how tall the heel was, the price ,etc. I then clicked “add  to bag”. A small notification popped up letting me know that that item had been added to my bag. From there I could choose to continue shopping or proceed to checkout. The JustFab site had a homepage but didn’t show a menu bar at the top until you logged in or clicked on one of their shoe sale pictures which I didn’t think was user friendly. I think that could be a bit confusing for the user when trying to find something specific. Another downside is that there is no search bar on the homepage either. As far as the notification popping up asking to proceed to checkout or continue shopping , I think that was a great feature, and you can quickly get to either page, I didn’t have to think about the actual purchasing of the item. Overall I think JustFab should improve their homepage and make it easier for users to find items quickly.