For me, online shopping is my way of buying everything I need. With a busy schedule, shops and malls are out of the picture so I have become quite an expert online shopping by being familiar to several sites. I know very well to play it smart by finding good quality items, trusted brands, the lowest prices, sales, coupon codes, you name it! However, a site that I surprisingly have never visited was Not only did I hear about it via television ads, but from a friend who talks about how good the website is and how she enjoys using it to pick out the new shoe to buy every month. As I clicked on the site, right away was I drawn to it with the vivid sliding photos, bold headings, and easy to read text illustrating the company’s products and styles. The layout on the home page was self-explanatory with the different routes you could take that were listed upon the top bar, such as “top sellers”, “our story”, and so on. The website did have a color scheme that was consistent throughout the whole site of black, white, and the accent of hot pink, which in my views attracts the typical girly user of the site. Posted in the middle of the page was the options of signing in or getting started which then took you straight to a quiz that asked simple similar questions such as asking which type of shoe do you favor most, or which one would you rather wear? So easy, it took me 30 seconds! Following was a few boxes for your personal information to fill out and clicking complete was right in front of you. For choosing a shoe, they were catorized by style and form and the buying process did not make you think. For the chosen shoe it asked you for size and color, then simply add to cart. The billing and payment information had the standard fill out form and provided a listed summary towards the left of the page with any discounts, taxes, or shipping prices listed with the total. Overall, I feel that the website had to question to it. The bold hot pink buttons leading to links and pages made them pop out and easy to locate with just a glance. The website’s goal to making its page self-evident was successful in that it was very sufficient so there was no point of being frustrated or having to guess on my options. In addition, the process, even for a brand new member, was so quick and easy that “being in a hurry” , as most internet users are, never had to be an issue.