Review #2

For my one page website I decided to review  SRTV is a software development company that prides itself on beautiful design and intuitive functionality. Their “brand” section is an entire one page site devoted to sharing with potential customers the ideas behind their design while also showing off what they are capable of creating.


The experience begins with a fullscreen animated welcome screen with an arrow at the bottom prompting you to scroll down.  Upon scrolling, the welcome screen moves up and leaves the screen. The user is greeted with a page of mostly white space with a short paragraph about the company accompanied by some graphics in the center and a vertical menu on the left.  The menu allows you to skip up and down within the page, but it acts as a bit of a distraction from the experience.  Someone who wasn’t aware that the page was meant to be navigated as one page might take this as a typical homepage and use the navigation menu to, well, navigate.


As far as color and texture goes, the site keeps things simple.  Everything is flat, clean, and simplistic.  The majority of color on the screen is dominated by black, red, and white.  In fact, there’s a section on the page that shows these three colors and states that the company never uses anything else but these three.  The only use of other colors is when examples are given of what NOT to use, and even these are crossed out with red lines of the same color.  

Overall, I like the consistency within this site and I think the company who created it did a great job of portraying their brand’s idea and thought process.  As someone interested in design I learned a bit from this and might use some of their ideas of design in the future.
I give this site four <div> tags out of five, and I’ll throw in a bonus hex color code of #EFOD33 to honor their brilliant shade of red.