Game Maker’s Play Test Notes Garden Glory

What Questions did your players have?

Where you you discard cards/tokens? What do all of the buffs do? Do the event cards carry over? Why are most of the plants summer cards?

How quickly did they learn to play?

They learned the game fairly quickly, reading through the rules once and refrencing it when they were confused

What confused players?

My old rules, The season tracker, turn structure.

What made players excited?

Trading(!), completing bundles, and using buffs.

What did your players enjoy doing?

I would say the players favorite part of the game play was the market phase where they could trade and sell their cards.

Did any aspect of the game frustrate players?

Players were confused at times, but never got frustrated. Perhaps some annoyance when they weren’t drawing the cards they needed for their bundles.

One Reply to “Game Maker’s Play Test Notes Garden Glory”

  1. I love this game idea! I’m glad that people seemed to mostly enjoy this game! I hope you continue on with this game because I would love to playtest it!

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