Collecting Games

Hungry Hungry Chopsticks

In this game, it has a base sort of like hungry hungry hippos. In the game though, you have to put the small balls in your corner by picking them up with chopsticks. You must pick up the ball and not roll it back to your side. The whole point behind this game is for it to be funny to watch people try and pick up spheres with chopsticks.

Mega Jacks

For a while, I have wanted to create a very large jacks game. Jacks is a simple game that involves you bouncing a ball and grabbing small metal “jacks” before the ball hits the ground. To make this big, you would need a ball roughly the size of a dodgeball, and jacks that are similar sized. When it comes to collecting games, this in an interesting take on a classic game.

Luck of the Lottery

This game is a traditional board game, but the catch is that the only way to collect money is by “scratching” a lottery ticket after each turn. These lottery tickets would just be not scratched on one side and scratched on the other so you may reuse them. Most of the cards would be losers, with some giving a bit of money and some giving a lot.

RMU Runners

This game is more or less a joke (for legal reasons). In this game, all of your players start in one room. You each draw a card from a standard deck of cards to determine order in which you go. If your turn is up, you must run around campus and take parking tickets off of peoples cars so the police force does not administer more tickets. The key is going first because you will have to run farther to find tickets when close by ones run out. The player with the most tickets at the end of the round wins, and you play to the first person to win three rounds.

Ground Hog Hunt

The aim of this game is to collect photos of groundhogs. All players will meet at the Gazebo, and will start the round with a timer for 5 minutes. Each player will run off and attempt to get photos of groundhogs. The player with the most photos of separate groundhogs at the end of the 5 minutes wins. Photos taken withing 5 feet of the groundhog rewards double points for that photo. If you manage to capture a groundhog, you instantly win the game (legally never said this).

4 Replies to “Collecting Games”

  1. How would you revise RMU Runners so it could actually be played? Instead of tickets, what items could you place around campus for players to collect?

  2. As someone who cannot use chopsticks, I can’t say that I would enjoy Hungry Hungry Chopsticks lol. Having a board game based on scratch off tickets sounds really interesting and I would love to hear more about it

  3. I can see how Hungry Hungry Chopsticks would be a tricky game. Using chopsticks alone is tricky, so I can only imagine how much I would have to focus.

  4. I think the Hungry Hungry Chopsticks would be not only a very fun party game but it would also be very entertaining to watch.

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