Sara Estus – Game Ideas Week 3

Art School is a card game where players must collaborate to create a piece of art that fulfills a specific category. However, the difficult part is that only one player knows the category, for example, “Mythical Beast” and the player who knows the category can only give one-word hints. The drawing must be done in a quick passing style, with the player who knows the category only getting 10 seconds to draw, as the round progresses, each player gets 10 more seconds added until 3 minutes is up. After the time is up, players must write on a separate paper what they think the category was, and the closet gets a point.

The Journey is a tile-placing game in which the players will randomly select a role in which they must work together to escape an area (the tiles) think escape room, but it is super small, and each player has a different skill and ability, like players who pull a ‘water’ role card can move things on the tile that are blue. The tiles are around 1’x1’ and have a multitude of random obstacles that limit players from passing through and only certain players can move certain things. This game is meant to go off the saying “It’s not about the journey, it’s about the friends we made along the way”

Convince Me! Is a card game where players must collaborate to convince the “Founder” player to fund their creation. The players who are the “Makers” are given a spread of 10 cards face down that all have bizarre pictures of creations on them, the creations are machines or products that aren’t real, and the cards contain 3 things that the creation can do, players who are “makers” must pick ONE card and ONE of the purposes of their creation and convince the “Founder” The players who are the “Makers” must agree on one of the cards to pick, and can ‘reselect’ their creation based on voting in the group. The collaborative part begins when players must agree to the different prospects of their creation, and they must agree on when the price for their creation is fair.

Stow Away is a fast-paced card game where players are split into two teams, the stowaway and the security. The game is set up with one side sitting across from each other. The setup begins with one side taking a ‘place card’ for each player and that will be where they are hiding. The place cards have a picture of the hiding location, a visibility score of 1-5 (1 being out of sight and 5 being practically out in the open) and they have a perk written on them that explains the abilities positive and negative of the spot. The security players’ setup begins with receiving their specific security roles as well as their ‘location cards’ that will give them a general location that they are securing. The idea of the game is for the stowaways to remain hidden without causing suspicion and for the security to find the stowaways before the cargo is delivered. Through the gameplay, stowaways will attempt to help each other hide by giving up their hiding spots, creating diversions and distractions, and staying completely silent! For security, they will team up to search larger areas, use perks like flashlights and search dogs to find clues and find the stowaways, all while openly communicating the whole game!

Trial by Combat is a board game with four corners where players must compete in a rock-paper-scissors style fight to cover the most spaces on the board with their color, the winner will not only need to have the most color on the board but also be able to beat at least 2 other players in combat to win the game. The rock-paper-scissors comes into play as each player will have a draw pile and discard pile where they will pick up three cards with random items, food, tools, and animals that they can use to win a battle, an example being, drawing a lion card, and being able to beat sheep, pig, and deer cards, versus picking a pig card, and beating a stew card, versus picking a stew card and being a freezing cold card. The list goes on!

12 Replies to “Sara Estus – Game Ideas Week 3”

  1. I am really loving all of your ideas that have an art theme. I would love to hear some ideas for cards or art for “Convince Me!”

    1. Thank you!
      I was considering having cards that were almost “AI Abominations” that are vaguely familiar objects like a toaster, but it has wheels and a clock attached to it. Randomly thinking of the purposes for it, could be things like “Instant Breakfast to Go!” or “Warms gloves, always have hand warmers!” The other part that I kind of thought about later for the rules is that the “Founder” isn’t able to see what the product looks like until the end to add a bit of humor and avoid over-analysis of the card

      1. I think that would be a really good use of AI for this game, and would definitely give you the bizarre creations that you are looking for. Maybe you could find a way to have some feature where AI creations/products have a disadvantage to being funded by the founder in some way… just thinking about how AI things are so deceiving.
        Or, is there a part of the game where players need to distinguish AI creations from real creations? Although, I could see that being its own game in itself.
        Just a few ideas.

        1. I love both of those ideas, but I think having everything be kind of a “Bad AI” theme brings out a challenge to how AI is presented in the world today. I’ve seen really good no obvious AI creations, but I also remember when AI was just starting and it was almost scary to look at lol

          1. I agree with you. I feel like it might be a challenge to generate AI art with the quality that you want it, but it would be fun to play around with different AI image generation platforms anyways!

  2. Both Journey and Stow Away are interesting. Journey for the tile laying and friends you make along the way. Stow Away because its hide and seek with cards.

    1. Thank you!
      I think for a lot of my games I try to do something new and interesting, but I always go back to how it looks. I feel like I might be a bit over-obsessed with the art of the things I create 😀 For Journey, I was deep-diving into complex materials for the objects players can interact with, and for Stowaway I was constantly considering the art style and how complicated it could be.

      1. I keep doing the same thing with my game ideas. I come up with my ideas based on something that I think would be visually interesting or fun to create. I’m really hung up on the idea of drawing bugs on cards. It kind of is a hurdle in the brainstorming process, for me at least.

    1. I agree! Dixit is a really fun art based game that I was super inspired by, I can’t believe there isn’t more out there!

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