Ch. 6

In this chapter they discuss the skeleton plane. The book goes into describing interface design, navigation design and information design. A skeleton plane defines what form the functionality of a product will take. Interaface design is important for overall design. It is responsible for the buttons, fields and overall interface components. Navigation is how one gets around a cite. The design is tailoring the interface to a space for information about controlling and moving around. Information design is all about the meat and potatoes of the cite. This part of the design is for the information and making it as effective as possible to bring the communication across.

Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapters 1-5

Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapters 1 & 2

  1. What makes up interaction design and what are some of the industry’s challenges?
    1. Interaction design originated from web and graphic design, but due to the development of technology and, specifically, the experience of using technology, there has become a need to design for the user’s interaction with a product rather than just the user’s experience. One of the biggest challenges those in interaction design must face is keeping up with the rate of change in technology. People are always expecting the latest change and they are the ones who must deliver it. Other challenges include understanding the workings of the human mind, at least on a basic, psychological level, knowing your specific goals, and who exactly you are designing for.
  2. What is interaction design and how is it evolving? What fields does it draw knowledge from?
    1. Basically, interaction designs purpose is to create a relationship between customers and their products and services. Interaction design started when the first screen was developed. Today, it exists on every surface of computer, cellphone, appliance, and every other technology, whether it is a touch screen or not. Interaction design is evolving more and more to encourage interaction with our environments, not just the tech in our hands. This field draws from a number of other fields including psychology, as mentioned before, computer programming, as well as all stems of design.

Thoughts on Interaction Design Chapters 3, 4 & 5

  1. What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website?
    1. Ethnographic tools allow you to thoroughly research and study the people you are aiming to attract. For this specific example, these tools can give you the main demographic of the banks users and who is using the site, which gives you a lot of information on how to design the site, such as how user-friendly it needs to be or what style it should be. If you were to find a higher number of tech-savvy, younger users, the company may be able to get away with a simplistic, straight-forward interaction design, while an older, less knowledgeable group may require the designer to push for a website with more step-by-step instructions.
  2. At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose?
    1. A design is complete when it reaches all of the designer’s goals as well as evoking the desired response from the user and provides a well-rounded design, both visual and interactive. I would say if it reaches or exceeds expectations that it would be considered a success. Its purpose is to serve those it was designed for while creating a connection between it and its user.
  3. Identify a product family you use regularly (Can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding effected your use, relationship and experience with the product?
    1. My favorite make-up brand is Nyx Cosmetics. Ironically, my love of it did not begin by happening upon it and trying it on, but from its advertising from famous make-up vloggers and the companies personal advertisements. They frequent most social media sites with images of their make-up in use as well as by using images of those who tag their photos and post that they are using it. Their brand itself is very graphic and aesthetically pleasing which is something you definitely want to see when putting a product on your face. Its packaging makes you feel like you are using an expensive, high-end make-up. This is only one of the factors that drew me to it, though it might not affect all the same.

Chapters 3, 4 and 5

  • What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website? (pp. 48-54) Ethnographic tools can help to identify user needs to may have not been yet made. Testing for marketing demands so they can make products are not on market yet. Also they can search for opportunities to expand through differences that between them and there competitors.
  • At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose? (pp. 54-62) A design is finished when it has met all of the goals and astheicly can not be improved. It is then a success once it has met the goals for the user and the user doesn’t even think about the design because it make sense that it is that way and no other way. The purpose of design is to make something pleasing to the eye and as simple as possible for the user.
  • Identify a product family you use regularly (can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding effected your use, relationship and experience with the product? (pp. 78-84) A product that I use every day is my truck. The branding of the vehicle has not had as much of a effect as the quality of the vehicle. However, because of the quality my relationship, experience and loyalty has been excellent.

Thoughts: Chapters 3, 4, 5

What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website?

Ethnographic tools are used by observing, interviewing, and analyzing people in a social setting. An online banking website could use this to better understand its users. This understanding would ultimately create a better, more wholesome experience.

At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose?

A design is finished when the designer(s) feel as though their work is done. Now, whether or not a design is successful or not is subjective. Everyone has their own metric of success. To one,  it may just be whether or not the design makes a profit. To others it may just be whether or not it is well liked and/or useful. A design’s purpose depends on the person using it. A user may find a purpose that wasn’t initially intended by the designer.

Identify a product family you use regularly (can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding effected your use, relationship and experience with the product?

Google has run my life for the better part of a decade. I have an android phone that runs on Google software, I use google chrome as my default browser, and, obviously, I use Google’s search engine whenever I have a problem or question of any kind. I use google because it’s efficient. All of their products work well and fast. Also, the connectivity is very important. I can save a file using google drive on my MacBook Pro, then open it up on my Motorola phone or Samsung tablet.

Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapters 3, 4 & 5 , Nicholas Milliron

Ethnographic tools help interaction designers better recognize their audience. They help you gather data about your customer base to help improve your design and the components surrounding it. These include things like how much a person would pay for your product, or what colors, shapes, textures, and things of that sort impacts the user.

Designs are finished at different stages depending upon the particular project or how the designer sees fit. When the product accomplishes it’s goals and the designer is happy with the outcome and it is finished. Although, some would argue that a design is never done. We talked in class about the Iphone, which is a perfect example. It has been re-releasing a new version with updates every year now and sees no sign of stopping, but I would argue that sometimes for the big corporations it’s about the money. The Iphone hasn’t had any ridiculously major upgrades that have completely changed it from the very first, just updated specs and some cool new features.

A product I use often that I am loyal to is actually the opposite of an Iphone, it’s my Droid Turbo. I am a Motorola fan an always have been. Their version of Android is very straight to the point and not loaded with a bunch of useless features. They also consistently have the best specs, and on top of that I have dropped it many many times with no case and no damage has occurred after a year except for some minor scratches. Unfortunately, Motorola’s phone division is set to be bought by Lenovo, so the future of the brand is unknown at this point. Hopefully with the success that Lenovo has had in the computer industry they can take the technologies developed at Motorola Mobility and make it better, but I wouldn’t be opposed to switching to a Google Nexus.

Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapters 1 & 2, Nicholas Milliron

Upon first glance of the cover of Thoughts on Interaction Design, it seemed like I was in for an wacky read that was going to dive into some really crazy ideas of design that were going to be really foreign to me. But as they say, you can’t judge a book by it’s cover, and that was the case with this book. Most of the ideas were pretty simple, but important to know in this industry. The first very important thing the author brings up is one that is often forgotten amongst new designers. It is the fact that all ideas have to begin with a scenario or a problem. Another important thing I picked up on that I often forget myself is that we often give the aesthetic look to design the front seat while the actual functionality and purpose sometimes takes a back seat.

The book took an idea from some designers at Carnegie Mellon (which I’m actually headed to tomorrow to tour their design facilities!) that broke it down into six parts: defining the problem, discovering wants and needs, synthesizing, constructing, refining, and reflecting. There are a lot of challenges that are faced in todays design industry, especially now more than ever. The problem is that the world is rapidly evolving, and with that humans change in personalties and what they want and need. An interesting tidbit about interaction design is that it’s actually multiple fields of employment combined into one. Things like engineering, mass production, and marketing are just a few things that go into design.

Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapter 6

Chapter 6 starts out by explaining cultural norms pertaining to technology. The way we use technology whether it’s speaking loudly on the phone or spreading Internet memes, we are making cultural norms. In a somewhat recent culture shift, it has become acceptable to explore technology and to understand that it’s for everyone to use. Designer’s main focus though is the users usability of the design, although there’s more to design than that. Designers also have to look for a unusable solution for the given design problem based off of what people expect out of it and the given information. In the end it’s up to the designer’s philosophy and the client’s demands that challenge cultural norms. Through mass production, a designer’s design can be experienced by millions of people. This design can also have a meaningful impact on the user’s life without them knowing it. A design can also go through a delay be the public sees it. Even if the world’s views have changed, the product will still come out with its previous motive. The design is also diffused with all the other external influences on people, but it can still have an impact on larger decisions. The chapter also discussing rejecting usability because designers learn the basics and easy ways to solve problems but to accurately solve a user-centered process, one must have a complicated solution. Then the book mentions discursive design, which is perceived as design provoking public communication. This makes the design more social by constantly changing human behavior. Toward the end of the chapter, the book explains the positives and negatives of the “digital age” and how negative behavior has shifted through design. This is explained by how much we as a culture are dependent on technology to get through the day, complete simple tasks, and unfortunately decline in knowledge. Designers will still design things that might not be needed, and there will always be a job to do and a problem to solve.


Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapter 6 Response

Chapter 6 of Thoughts on Interaction Design, “Judgement and Shifting Negative Behavior,” discusses the different decisions that a designer must make and the elements of society and culture that need to be taken into account when making these design decisions.  Although usability is an integral part of a design, there is much more to the creative process than designing for optimal usability.  Essentially, people must look beyond the surface of the design and the surface of the function and usability in order to grasp its significance.  Thinking about the deeper meanings of what is occurring in he world will lead one to creating something that challenges both the designer and the user in profound ways.

The chapter also discussed discursive design, in which a design is intended to provoke thought and spark discussion among people.  Ultimately, this transforms what the purpose of design is, for it becomes a form of commentary, something to be picked apart and analyzed rather than acknowledged and dismissed.  This kind of design is much more interactive on the part of the user and is an important stage in the evolution of design as something larger than itself.  Design becomes a catalyst for critical thinking and analysis.

Ultimately, the chapter reflected the ideas that design is a complex process and way of creating that alters based upon the ever-changing world and people around us, which makes it so challenging to define and pinpoint.  The designer takes on a number of different roles in the process, and the user must adapt as well based on changes in the design presented and how it should be responded to, thought about, and discussed.  This intricate web that has been weaved of designer, user, and design will only become more complicated as time passes and society progresses.

Thoughts on interaction review

Ethnography provides a real-world way of looking at a problem or opportunity, applying social and cultural understanding to a topic, so an online banking website would be organized in a simple readable and thinking more of how the user would think and interact with the site and display what the user would most likely be looking for on the main page instead of making the user search through many links.
A design may be considered finished when the criteria of the objective is met as well as being the most user friendly version. Although there is always room for improvement, designers are always looking to better objects or web sites among many other things to improve the user experience. So really a design is never truly complete. “Designers are in the unique position to improve all aspects of human life, including the visual, emotional, and experiential. Interaction Design should be desirable- beautiful, elegant, and appropriate- regardless of the medium chosen to embody a solution”(60). A successful design is one that the user can use with ease and without having to work hard to come to a solution. A successful design serves its intended purpose honestly. The purpose is to be as honest with a design as possible and to enhance the user’s experience.
The most frequent object I use is probably my hair brush, I usually have one that lasts a very long time maybe a few years. I normally use a conair brand because I’ve always used that brand and have had much success with it. The bristles never fall out even after a few years, as well as the grip and handle are sturdy yet comfortable. The only reason I’ve had to replace one is when I used an off brand and the handle snapped but really it wasn’t a conair brush. I have very long and thick hair that tangles from wearing hats all the time so I brush it quite often, but I’m always able to brush them out. I know conair makes a lot of other products and I actually also have a hair straightener and blow dryer from them. I feel that its because I’ve always used that brand and when I tried a different brand it never seems to work out the way I expect it to, holding it to the same standards as my hair brush. I feel that even though conair doesn’t advertise like it used to many people already use and know its a strong brand with reliable products because they have lasted as a company for so many years and even have lines of designs for younger children and all hair types.

Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapters 3, 4, & 5 Responses

What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website?

Ethnographic tools can provide some insights on the ways in which people live and what they value.  If an online banking website can use these tools to better understand the lifestyles of their customers, they can improve the interactions between the user and the interface.  Studying people can reveal how they respond to particular prompts and situations, and understanding this is part of the design process, for an effective design will be built upon the research in order to best serve the user/customer.

At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose?

One could certainly argue that a design is never truly finished.  However, when someone feels confident enough that the design does its job in an efficient manner, it can be considered finished for the purpose of the job.  If the designer can see that something should be tweaked, he or she should tweak it before considering it done.  One way of measuring both whether a design is finished and whether or not it was a success is by seeing that an outsider can understand and use the design in the way it was intended by the designer to be understood and used.  Ultimately, the design’s purpose is to solve a problem and make life easier.  If it can do both, it has fulfilled its purpose.

Identify a product family you use regularly (can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding affected your use, relationship and experience with the product?

One product family I use regularly is Apple products.  Its branding has affected my use with their products in that they all work in much the same way and are easily connected with one another, so the uniformity that is part of their brand has simplified how they are used.  I feel almost connected to the brand because of Apple’s presence in my life; I am even using an Apple product to complete this assignment.  They are involved in many aspects of my life, which has resulted in a positive relationship with Apple.  As a result, my positive associations with the products help to promote generally positive experiences with the brand and offer it a favorable position in my mind as the consumer.

New Idea

I was tasked with trying to figure out a new way to open a door using only your foot.  I think that this would be a cool and sometimes useful invention to make.  I had a couple of ideas for this project. The first idea I came up with was making just like a hole in the door that would be big enough for a shoe to fit in.  This hole could have a fabric liner so that it would not scratch your shoe of your foot if you are barefoot.  For this product, all the user would do is insert their foot into the hole and simple turn their foot up or down to grasp the door. Then the user would simply just pull their foot back until it opened and then remove their foot.  The door would have to have some sort of spring on it so that once you start pulling it open it would open the rest of the way.  Then it would stay open for a set period of time or until you pull it back shut with your foot.  The next idea I had for this product was using a part of a saddle.  My idea is that you could attach the foot holder from a saddle onto the bottom half of the door.  To open the door,  the user would simply place their foot in the foot holder and pull their leg back to pull the door open.  My last idea is similar to hotel rooms with the key card slot.  My product would have a sensor on the bottom and another sensor that would go in or on your shoe.  The shoe sensor would just have to be waved in front to the door sensor to tell the door to open.  having the sensor in the shoe would make it so that the door would not be opened due to an animal or pet running in front of the door.  I believe that these ideas could all be useful, but all would need more work on them to make them ready to be produced.

Thoughts on Interaction design Ch. 3 4 & 5

Ethnographic tool are research tools like observation, interview, survey and analysis that help you to learn more about certain cultures.  By using these tools you can get information to and for your customers or users in a way that they understand and that is relevant to their cultural ways.  This is a good way to satisfy your customer and get them to return to you or your business.

Designs can be finished at different point depending on the designer and his or her point of view on the design.  Some people think that as soon as someone has tested the ensign and it works for what it is said to then the design is finished.  Others think that its just as soon as the design is able to meet the goals and objectives set forth for it then it is done.  some designers believe that a design is never really done.  They think that it can always be improved upon.  In my opinion, a design is a success if it meets the criteria set forth for it and does so in a way that is easy for the user and is user friendly.  The purpose of a design can come in many forms, but it is simply put as what the intended objective of the product is supposed to be.

I think that Apple products have influenced my life in many ways just since coming to college.  I didn’t get my first smart phone until the end of me senior year of high school.  Also, I didn’t really do much of anything besides basic phone things for the first six months or so.  When I was looking at laptops for college I learned that I needed a mac with as much RAM and memory as I could afford.  Since I got my computer, I started using my phone a lot more as well because the programs and applications as all so similar and run the same from machine to machine.  I love the easy usability of Apple products and how easily you can catch on to them.  Now as I am looking to get a new phone,  I don’t even want to look at anything else.  I don’t want to have to learn to use a new phone and since IPhones are all so similar, I don’t have to worry about that with a newer IPhone.  This is why Apple is my new technology of choice.

Thoughts on Interaction Design Ch 6

Chapter six talks about judgement and shifting negative behavior.  Norms are behaviors that are common for people within a certain culture or group.  If someone thinks that one a design goes against the norms that they believe in then they tend to have a judgement of  the design which could resulting a negative behavior.  Judgements can cause a cultural shift in society if the judgement is spread wide enough throughout the viewers.  This chapter also talks about discursive design.  This is a category of design that treats products as ideas rather than just “instruments of utility”.  The last thing talked about in chapter 6 is shifting negative behavior through design.  Negative behaviors can be shifted by making people rethink their stance on a product. Also,  negative behaviors can be shifted by changing a product and re-introducing it to the negatively influences customers.

Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapters 3, 4, & 5

Ethnographic tools can provide you info by observation, interviewing, and analysis of people, their social groups and populations. This provides a social and psychological take on people’s activities. These tools can be used to improve the interactivity of an online banking website by checking the user statistics and analytics. This would give you the ability to check what the average user clicks on and morph the page to be more user friendly.

Knowing when a design is finished is within the designer’s mental state. If the designer believes that they can walk away from it and leave it be; then it met their purpose. The design must meet the designer’s criteria, strategy, and goal. Overall a design is never finished because there will always be something to adjust, develop, or change over time.

A product family I use regularly is Dove, and it’s branding has influenced my future purchases with them to try their new products. Their branding shows empowered women wanting to smell, feel good, and feel refreshed. They commercialize real women trying the product and show what harsher products do. This has strengthened the relationship I’ve had with the brand because I can relate to the women and their wants and needs.

Ch 3,4,5 reading response.

By studying the type of people are using your site it is much easier to predict their behaviors. In the case of a banking website ethnography is important because almost everyone uses a bank and many use the banks website to do different tasks. Using a persona and a made up story about that person may help lead to a problem in the site that you would have never thought even was a problem. Knowing that a 65 year old woman who has never used online banking will need more explanation than a 25 year old who is trying to save for retirement. designing for the state of mind that the user is in when using a site is just as important as the features on the site.

A design can not truly be finished in my opinion, there is always a problem that will arise, even if it doesn’t appear for years after the design is in effect. The reading talks about it being finished not when you meet your own goals, or when you like at all, instead the author considers the user the final call in a products completion. Does it work, is there more to do, am I satisfied. These are some of the questions the user will ask themselves, and after those questions they will decide the completion of the project.

I only buy levi’s pants. This sounds crazy considering they are just one of dozens of clothing companies available to me, but there’s a lot going into me wearing their pants. They are cheap in comparison to some brands but definitely expensive in my mind, so really I could just buy lee’s or arizona jeans, but I only buy levi’s. Branding is a very important factor in my buying, and I am somewhat aware of this, but I go along with it anyway. The commercials for the product are typically young people living life free of problems, throwing on a pair of jeans and going out on the town. Then the name and badges on the jeans are pure Americana, and pushes the authenticity of the pants. That’s the whole idea, the authenticity of your clothes, your actions, and your life. Plus they are comfortable and have a great minimalist logo.