The Impactful Aspects of The Society Awareness Games

Dumb Ways to Die

It is a strategic animation game that illustrates the potential hazards each character will face and we as a player try to solve the maze puzzle to rescue them; when we utilize fast-paced action to prevent them to get injured from the upcoming dangers as much as possible — when one character gets an injury, the player’s health bar will drop (even though it is latent) and the player may suffer the risky level of loss that can approach to the game end. The game is impactful because it demonstrates quite a few consequences occurrence of ignoring safety measures when guests (whether they are riders, pedestrians, or tourists) seek their expensive possessions or show curiosity about strange locations and we as a witness should alarm them about the caution that will threaten them.

Fake it to Make it

It is the inside secret predictions about not only how the unverified and falsified info market audience quicker than official publishing but also demonstrates how monkey businesses are created through the mockup identification to simplify the process of startup and take advantage of the real id. The game is impactful because it symbolizes a precaution for news lovers and online visitors to be alarmed for unfamiliar promotions.

Cards Against Calamity

Equal distribution of the opportunity costs that will impact the environmental quality and also the life costs of the town community for the town planner; a player as mayor is responsible for selecting appropriate solutions in prioritizing sequences that minimize the risks other members are suffering as well as safeguard the biodiversity free of climatic damages. The game is impactful because it provides core concepts for securing the regional community with balanced financial amounts to cover life necessities and emergency measures.

Cast Your Vote

The brief overall explanation of the electoral procedure presidential candidates will experience about the current complex issues society will undergo and the options of the solution they want to proceed with; the player will serve as a voter to determine which candidate. The game is impactful because it illustrates the detailed map of the debating process of selecting the upcoming president.