Divided (Mia and Clay)

2 players

  • Objective: Collect more pairs than your opponent as fast as you can over the course of 5 rounds
  • Required materials:
    • 1 deck of cards
      • Remove face cards and jokers
  • Setup:
    • Each player is dealt 6 six cards to start
  • On a player’s turn
    • The player with the least amount of pairs goes first
    • You can’t look at your hand until you draw your first card
  • On a player’s turn:
    • Draw a card
    • Your “turn” is over once you have drawn
      • You may draw immediately after your opponent has drawn
  • At any time:
    • Place a pair in front of you. A pair consists of:
      • Two cards that are cleanly divisible (eg. 3/9, 10/10, A/7)
        • Aces are worth 1 and any card is divisible by it (Wild card)
  • Ending the round:
    • The round ends when either player has no cards remaining in their hand
    • Players write down how many pairs they have played in front of them
  • Winning the game
    • After 5 rounds, players sum up their total number of pairs from the course of the game
    • The player with the most pairs wins

5 Replies to “Divided (Mia and Clay)

  1. 1. Most frustrating moment
    I didn’t like that the game could be ended on the first hand of the round if every card matches. That could have been a problem with our lack of shuffle skill
    2. Favorite moment
    Loved that the game moved quickly
    3. Anything you wanted to do?
    4. magic wand
    deal another 6 cards to each player if their first hand are all matches
    5. Would you play again?
    Absolutely. It was really fun and I will be playing it with my friends

    1. Frustrating Aspects:
      needing one card to get rid of your last odd number and being unable to pull it.
      The wording on the rule regarding a round based system of scoring was vague enough that we completely missed it.
      Favorite Moments:
      This game is super easy to learn and it’s quick to play. There’s a good mix of strategy and luck. Ronan and I had completely different strategies, but both won some of our games.
      Anything Missing?
      Odd numbers are tricky to get rid of. 7 is the main culprit as it is a prime number, so a 1 is required to get rid of it.
      Anything to Add?
      I’d add more prime numbers or variety. It could also be interesting to make trios a viable option rather than just pairs.
      I’d play this game again, no question. Very fun and very simple.

  2. 1. What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
    The fact that I didn’t have enough caffeine to beat Max because he was too fast
    2. What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
    The pace of the game and the element of chance. All the aspects of rewards and pace of the game make you want to just keep playing and playing. It’s perfect.
    3. Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t?
    4. If you had a magic want to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from that experience, what would it be?
    Make every game Max proof.
    5. Is this a game you would play again?
    Absolutely, I will be teaching other people I play games with.

  3. What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
    Ending the round immediately because all the cards matched.
    Initially the speed was hard, but as it picked up and we learned it became a really fun aspect of the game.

    What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
    I liked that pairs could be divisible and match – I don’t usually like math, but in this game I actually found myself (able to do it) and enjoying it – the simple division works very well in my opinion

    Was there anything you wanted to do but couldn’t?
    Continue playing even when the deck ran out of cards.

    If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
    We did get through the entire deck 2/5 of the rounds – possibly use more cards but at the same time maybe don’t because you wouldn’t want to drag it out too long

    How has the experience changed since the first play test?

    Is this a game you would play again? Why?
    Yes, I did enjoy the concept and the speed of it, and it was fun!

  4. Playtest for: Mia and Clayden
    Tester: Max
    Most frustrating: Having a 7
    Favorite moment: Winning
    Anything you wanted to do but couldn’t: Nah. I won.
    Magic wand: If you get dealt matches I think you both should have to play them and draw back to 6 before you start.
    How has play changed: N/A
    Would you play again: Ya. This is very simple and can be played anywhere. Plus I’m good at it

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