Game rules for “The Wood”

  • The objective of the game is to defeat all the mythical creatures in the forest and make it out alive. 
  • This game will include 1 board, 5 player cards, 5 pawns, 20 special action cards, 50 action cards, 15 boss cards, 15 battle cards, and 2 dice
  • The board should be laid out and place the number of pawns of people playing at the start. Next, each player should have the player card that corresponds to their pawn. Then shuffle all the special action and action cards together, each player will get 5 cards then they will be placed in their designated spot on the board. Action cards can include armor that can be placed on your character card, weapons, skip turns, and other special events. Then shuffle the battle and boss cards and place them in their spot on the board. To determine who goes first is to have every player roll the dice and whoever rolls the highest goes first.
  • Armor cards- can be placed on your player card to add protection, You can stack up to 5 cards including a helmet, chest plate, pants, shoes, and a shield
  • Weapon cards- different weapons are spread out with different kinds and different strengths, displayed on the card
  • On each player’s turn, they will rule a die and whatever space they land on determines their next move. They can land on a blue space which is pick up an action card, red space roll dice and go back that many, orange is a safe space, and black is pick from battle cards. When you get a battle card you have to fight the creature that is on it. Each creature card has the amount of health they have. Players can use their weapons to fight the creatures. Each weapon should have the amount of damage it will do and the player must roll the dice to see how many swings they get. For example, if my weapon was 10 XP and I roll a 4, I’m able to take 40 damage on the creature. If the creature was 30 XP I would have beaten it and then roll again for my next move.
  • To win you have to be the first to make it out of the forest

Updated rules for the wood

Objective- Be the first to get 20 tokens 

Rules-  Can only have 4 cards in the hand unless the card says otherwise.

Odd number roll = Battle card

Even number roll= Boss card

Battle cards=1 token

Boss cards=2 tokens 

Set up – Every player gets 1 player card, 4 action cards, and 4 pawns. Shuffle action and weapons cards and place them in one pile. Separate battle and battle boss cards and place them in another two piles.  

To start– Pick any player to start first. On each turn, a player will roll the dice to see what monster they will fight and then pick an action card. When facing a monster, the player will roll the dice again to determine how many strikes they get to take. If you don’t defeat the monster in that turn, you lose a pawn.  If you beat the monster you get a token, the battle card determines how many tokens you get. If you lose all your pawns, you are out of the game. 

Skip turn- This card can skip your turn so you don’t have to fight a monster 

Potion- You can use this card to gain a pawn in exchange for 1 token

Retreat- You can use this card to get out of a fight with a monster

Weapons- These can be used to fight the monsters. For example, if you get a weapon that is 10 exp and you roll a 5 that is 50 damage on a monster. 

Bomb- The bomb card adds 10 extra damage to your roll. This must be played before you roll for your strike damage. 

Attack Damage- This gets added to your weapons exp. Can only use once then the card must be discarded

4 Replies to “Game rules for “The Wood””

  1. Playtest for – The Wood (Mia)
    Tester – Delaney

    What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?

    – Not drawing any weapons, and not being able to kill (or really stand a chance against) any of the bosses as a result
    – Consistently rolling even numbers, and only fighting boss’s
    – The math, I just struggle with math so it took me out of the game a little bit

    What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
    – Getting to steal other players tokens

    Was there anything you wanted to do but couldn’t?
    – Be able to “survive” an attack against a monster without weapons, like maybe the chances are very slim, but there’s still a slight chance?

    If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
    – Maybe have players start out with a few tokens? – I know I had the opportunity to steal, but if I had drawn that card earlier it would’ve been harder to use it.
    – Make the XP’s for the monsters closer in range

    How has the experience changed since the first play test?

    Is this a game you would play again? Why?
    – Yes, I liked the rolling/fighting aspect of it, and I want to play again because I’m stubborn and want to actually beat the monsters this time.

  2. tester Aaron

    What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
    back of cards are not labeled

    What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
    the fighting and health system

    Was there anything that you wanted to do but couldn’t?
    to do a battle not only boss fights

    If you had a magic ward to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
    label to the back of the cards

    How was the play experience changed from the first test?
    first test

    Is this a game you would play again? why?
    yes interesting concept like to see where it goes

  3. Playtest for: Mia (The Wood)
    Playtester: Clay
    What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
    Rolling exclusively even numbers for the entire beginning of the game was very difficult
    What was your favorite moment or aspect of what you just played?
    Occasionally getting clutch plays like drawing a card that you need immediately after seeing a monster that you know you can’t beat
    Was there anything you wanted to do that you couldn’t?
    Some of the bosses seemed overpowered for the weapons that were available. Maybe during bosses, players can collaborate and combine the power of their weapons
    If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
    Trying to reach 20 tokens seemed excessive because the most any player ever actually got was 4, so maybe decreasing the required number would be beneficial
    How has the play experience changed since the first play test?
    Is this a game you would play again? Why?
    I did enjoy playing this although some of the balance needs to be tweaked. If changed are made, I am absolutely willing to play this again

  4. Playtest for The Wood (Mia)
    Tester – River
    Most frustrating? – Bosses have really high exp and it is hard to beat them. The order of actions in a turn was confusing.
    Favorite moment? – The drawings were silly and it was fun pretending they were something other than what they were
    Anything you wanted to do? – I kept forgetting to draw after my turn. Maybe we could help others get through battle and split the reward?
    Magic Wand? – Have a weapon in each hand to increase attack or two handed weapons with better attack?
    How has the game play changed? – 1st play
    Would you play again? – Yes. I am curious how it can be improved.

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