SETUP ————————
The deck of cards contains 4 types of cards
Disaster Cards
The disaster cards determine what disaster the players will be dealing with. Only 1 is drawn per game.
Objective Cards
Objective cards are the cards that determine what the group’s current goal is. The group is to work in a team to try to complete these tasks EX: “Find medical supplies at ground zero of the earthquake.” Objectives can change throughout the game.
Item Cards
Item cards have assigned are drawn when a dice is rolled at the beginning of each player’s turn. Every player begins with 1 item card dealt before the beginning of the game. A 6-sided-die is rolled at the beginning of each player’s turn. If the die lands 5-6, an item card can be drawn. Item cards can sometimes be harmful, though! EX: Radioactive drinking water
Lifeline Cards
Lifeline cards can be bought from various dealers depending on the disaster. Lifeline dealers have have the most coveted items and can be bought through bartering owned items.
WIN STATE —————————-
Players win as a team when 1 OBJECTIVE card is completed for EACH player present
LOSE STATE —————————-
Players lose together as a team if the objectives are not completed