The two websites I chose to use were the No. 9 Park and Bravo Franco Ristorante. What I noticed first about both sites were the photographs shown on the homepage that provide the user with a certain vibe about the restaurant; such as an elegant dining experience or a formal, very professional setting to it. However, when dealing with these photographs I feel that the No.9 Park site is more successful in their use of imagery due to the quality of the photos, along with the changing slideshow of the food, as well as chefs, and the dining place settings; whereas the Bravo Franco site gives only three different photos which do not give the viewer that good of a variation. As for the layout stylistic choices, I feel that the sections for each site are both listed in an organized way. But if I would have to choose one that is more legible, it would have to be the Bravo Franco layout because, unlike No. 9 Park, their sections are listed at the top of the webpage (where most are on most websites) and I personally feel that it is much easier to read across than vertically, especially if a title of the section is too long to fit on one line, such as “Monthly Cocktail Classes.” When looking at unity throughout each webpage, I think that Bravo Franco appears to be much stronger and I feel that it strongly relies on the color scheme chosen. The colors are really consistent throughout the different pages of the site and it even shows within their pictures too. The colors of a deep brown and a beige/tan are used, accompanied by white, are visible all over the pages. With this strong contrast, it allows all text to be very legible. Another thing I noted about the text was that here it is at a much larger size and with a nicer font than that of No. 9 Park. On each page for each of the sections on No.9 Park, the text is very small and in a standard font, and it is also used for the section titles which make the look of it seem a little plain and simple. However, plain and simple doesn’t have to be a bad thing. One thing that brought out some emphasis to each page on the Bravo Franco site was that each page has a quote from a worker or customer on the side about the food or their dining experience which in-turn make the atmosphere more personal and friendly. Overall, I think that both websites have their pros and cons, but if I had to choose one that was more effective, it would have to be Bravo Franco due to their legibility, personalization, and styles/theme throughout the pages provided.