Review 2_Amber Powell

The site chosen is Jlenia Dog Sitter Rome, a site containing different kind of services for your dog. When I first visited the page the aspect that caught my eye the most and immediately were the colors used throughout the site. It is mainly consisting of warm colors but in lighter values that make them pastels, and these are used for the background, which in this case is portrayed as the sky. However, a cool color that pops up repeatedly as you scroll down is green for grass and frees, and it is very dominant and vibrant, which then contrasts with the background sunset-like sky. The texture throughout the one page site deals a lot with the imagery used which is a mixture of both cartoon objects, such as the hot air balloons, balloons, birds, and insects; and life-like imagery, such as the dogs, trees, wood, houses, and the grass. I recognized the texture at its strongest within the grass due to how it is highlighted and shadowed perfectly to make you want to feel it. For navigating purposes, it is simply done by going straight down the page, and for content not to be all mushed together, each section has a different scene that the level of grass distinctively divides, while the top of the scene is bright for the sky, contrasting the previous grass above it. This set up is rather cliché but it works very well with this particular set up and the graphics used. As you navigate downward, certain graphics and imagery move upward, like the clouds or balloons, or move across the screen, like the flying birds. Also, when approaching the next section, you will see where exactly you stand on the page by colored dots that fall vertical, since you are incapable of seeing it as a whole. Along with moving to each section, the title, followed sequentially with the text for that section fades in as the objects are moving around it, which I thought gave it entertainment, rather than a still page. Another means of the navigation is at the very top left corner where there are four ribbons that contain links to the awards won for the page as well as a voting link, which I see as a good idea for listing the accomplishments, making new users want to feel good about the site. I feel that texture, emphasis, movement, and color really make this one page site successful. The colors give it a very fantasy kind of mood to it, and the colors allow for all of the text to be very legible, and none of the colors clash together. Emphasis has a tie with color in that the images really pop out against the pale sky background and it brings attention to the graphics that help illustrate each section. Movement keeps the page from being to generic when scrolling down and the fade in and fade out makes the text more wanting to read rather than if it was just permanent. In addition the movement of the objects make the page come to life. The text is not only good color choices, but good font styles too. I believe that the design of this particular website is very artsy and playful which relates to whom the site is about; dogs, or “four-legged friends.” There is not a boring part about it, it’s no wonder why its been named the “most loved” site. Everything a website needs (about info, contact, descriptions, etc.) is all provided which makes it no doubt easy and understanding.