Thoughts on Interaction Design: chapters 3,4,5 Questions- Allee Thompson

What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website? 

It can provide insight to see if the website is easy to use and the common issues among the users when using the website. Also how the users navigate through the website and what they commonly gravitate towards on the site. 

At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose?

The design is finished when it satisfied the clients needs or when a deadline is approaching. A design is also finished when it is put into production to be created and mass produced. The purpose is to create something for people to use. A finished design is able to be manufactured and then it becomes useful in everyday life depending on what the item is. 

Identify a product family you use regularly (can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding affect your use, relationship and experience with the product? 

A product family I would use regularly would be Apple products but more specifically the Ipod generations. The way a brand presents itself can really affect if someone buys it or not. I got it just because it worked well and of course for the name. Everyone has an Apple product which means I should have one to if everyone else has it. There must be something so great about this product that everyone has it. I have become more dependent on it for entertainment rather than just music. Since I can get access to so many apps now I use those rather than just regular ITunes. I still use ITunes but only when I do not have an internet connection. My experience so far has been good. Since Apple has a good reputation with its products I expect something great and reliable.