I chose the website laprima.com for the competition against my website. La Prima is a coffee company in Pittsburgh, and their website is done really well. In my website I have a slideshow as well, but their slideshow takes up the entire background. Their navigation is really great because it is next to their logo in the menu bar. Everything is really easy to read, and easy to navigate. The colors on laprima.com is really well done. The colors match with the brand and is really clean and modern.
The website that I have done with my group is nicely done. It seems clean, but it does not really compare to laprima.com. Laprima.com is very clean and modern, and there is also a good flow to their website. We have a great flow with our website, but it’s a very limited website. It’s very simple, and definitely more of a beginner’s website. Our website will have a cool pattern to it to help the website stand out. It also has a great font, and it’s very simple as well.