Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapters 1 & 2 Questions

Interaction design includes many design elements and processes. It has been around for longer than the term has been recognized. Interaction design involves problem-solving, observation and analyzation of situations and human activity, communication between a user and a product, usability evaluation, process development, and the use of words and form to design interactions over time.

One of the most frustrating challenges the industry faces is identity recognition. Job descriptions for an interaction designer vary significantly in the skills a company requires. Is the company looking for an interaction designer or a web developer, interactive designer, multimedia designer, marketing professional, etc.? Repositioning the field to have its own identity and standards is one of the main goals of this book.

Interaction design is a human-focused creative process that designs a conversation between a user and a product. Interaction designers are “shapers of behavior.” It is evolving into its own very distinct field of design.

Interaction design draws its knowledge from cognitive psychology, information architecture, interactive design, product development, marketing, graphic design, design thinking, and the art world in general. It also draws its knowledge from both the analog and digital design processes.