Intro to Web Review #3

For this review, I decided to compare the two websites for The Burgatory and No. 9 Park. These two websites are actually quite similar in style and layout when you first land on both homepages. When you proceed to scroll down, No. 9 Park has more to be explored rather than Burgatory who does not, essentially telling its viewers to use the bar at the top to navigate the website.

With balance, Burgatory’s website has less compared with No. 9 Park. In its dropdown bars, only the first two selections have dropdown items, while No. 9 Park sticks with not having any at all.

Unity works well with both websites. They both feel like they were made to flow well and attract customers in order to get an appealing site.

Both websites have an emphasis on photos as soon as you land on the homepage. Burgatory has a slideshow of photos while No. 9 Park has more as you scroll down.

The layout of both websites is very sleek and attractive to consumers. No. 9 Park focuses on a fancier scroll down system which lets the potential customer see photos of the restaurant and read about it as well. As it is an independent eatery it has more space to do this, while Burgatory, which has many locations, cannot do so easily.

They implement Kreug’s important things by making the sites easy to navigate and locate what they want right from the start. After clicking on the menus for both No. 9 Park’s is simple and gives you the ability to be lazy in your scrolling or clicking. Burgatory’s however only allows you to click on one section of the menu at a time before having to go back up to the dropdown menu in order to go to the next selection.

Upon first viewing, Burgatory’s use of photos and informal texts attracts me more, but for navigational sakes, No. 9 Park is a better website overall. No. 9 Park’s use of photos throughout the website and ease of use makes it superior in the comparison between the two.