Our site is boiled down to four main elements. The first is a simple video that begins by introducing our product and explaining the problem. From there, the video will show how our product solves that problem via a side by side scene of an average morning with and without our product. This part of the video will explain each element of the system and how it works. Finally we will ask visitors for their help in funding our product.
Secondly, we have section of copy and graphics that breaks the system down to each of its physical parts as well as companion app that works with the system. The point of this section is to drill down into the details of our system and educate the user as thoroughly as possible. While most of this section will consist of simple text and graphics, we plan on building an example screen of the app in javascript that the user can interact with on the mobile site as if it was running on their phone.
Another tertiary, but still very important part of our website will be the contact portion. Here users can engage with us on social media, sign up for a newsletter, or even pose a question to the creators of the product.
Finally, our call to action is represented with a simple button prompting the user to fund our project. This section goes hand in hand with the final one: a list of rewards supporters will receive based on their contributions. These could range from a simple thank you or t-shirt all the way up to a limited edition version of the product once it is completed.
The main strategy of this site will focus on educating the user of the problem statement our product hopes to solve and how it goes about doing so. From there, we can move on to motivating them to fund our project as a call to action. On the face of it, our product sounds simply enough: applying the “smart home” movement to your closet to bring it into this century. However, this idea quickly breaks down into complexities that could leave potential backers with a lot of questions. How do you record your clothes? How does it signal clothes to take off the rack? How does it know which piece of clothing is tied to which hanger? All of these questions could bring one to wonder if it is really worth the trouble for a product that could easily be seen as extravagant. For that reason, are designing a step by step description that will leave visitors of our site with a solid explanation of how our product solves the problem at hand. After seeing all of the capabilities of our product laid out, our target audience of clothing junkies with expendable income will easily be able to validate the purchase.
Fortunately, this structure leads us to a logical call to action. After we explain why this product is needed, we give the easily understandable explanation of the process, followed finally by a prompt to support out project along with the rewards backers can plan to receive up on funding