Review #4 – Sumo Maya Mexican Asian Fusion

In this final review, I will be going over the website design and its effectiveness of the Mexican-Asian fusion restaurant, Sumo Maya. To start off, the site is very bright and welcoming when it first loads up. Along with a lot of the sites that I have reviewed in the past, the color scheme is white with pink and orange accents. So many organizations base their websites on a white with accents color scheme nowadays and this is because it has a modern look and it is easy on the eye.

The layout of the site is very blocky but in a good way. The blockiness keeps everything ordered and professional, which is why it works so well. The only complaint that I have about the layout is that when scrolling down the page the pictures and white backgrounds go over the top of each other. To me, this is kind of bothersome because it does not look natural. It is nothing too big, but it is enough to cause me to be bothered by it. Other than that, I think the layout works well with the pictures and information being separated into different parts as you scroll down the page.

The site presents a very comforting and smooth texture. The font used is not rough or rugged, but smooth. Also, the white background keeps it smooth and comfortable as well. The site is also easy to navigate as the tabs to each page of the site are at the very top and are easy to notice. On each page when scrolling down, all of the information needed to be found will be there.

With my group’s project, we took a different approach. Our site is drastically different from Sumo Maya because we have a darker theme and we have kind of steered away from the typical modern site layout. I think that our site will stand out because it is unique and does not follow along with the status quo of web design today. Using darker shades of colors, it already sets us apart from a lot of sites that restaurants have. Overall I think our theme and layout will stand out amongst others.