- What did the standards of the w3c provide?
- The W3C developed standards for code that were intended not to function as laws but to establish rules and guideline to provide consistency in code. Web developers who use the standards first hand created the w3c standards. Their main goal was to ensure long-term growth for the web.
- What are some general guidelines for great markup?
- Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) is used to create structure to text documents and then CSS is applied to add design elements. Browsers interpret these documents is specific ways using the guidelines created by w3c. In order for the code to function properly all elements and attribute names are written in lower case. It is also required that all attribute values are quoted in order to be read by the browser. Another common standard is that all elements are ended with a slash.
- What are the benefits of standards?
- The obvious benefit of the w3c stands is the ability for web developers to have a standardize language that allows for consistency when coding. Applying web standards to your code allows for greater visibility in web searches. The set structure of HTML elements makes it easier for search engines to access and evaluate the information. Another benefit that is more audience related is the importance of accessibility. The web is used by many people with disabilities, by using the provided standards also allows web pages to be understood and accessed by people using browsers other then the usual ones such as voice browsers that read web pages aloud to people with sight impairments.